Yes, we have already executed what constitutes the command by the time we push it onto the stack. Maybe we are not using QUndoStack correctly then? we should be creating the command that _should_ get executed, place it on the stack, which will then execute the command.

Still seems odd but we can look at doing that.
Mike Jackson  []

Elvis Stansvik wrote:
2016-06-17 18:18 GMT+02:00 Mike Jackson<>:
We are using the QUndoStack and when we "push()" onto the stack the actual
QUndoCommand is being executed. In the documentation is seems as though I
could set the "id" of the QUndoCommand to -1 and NOT have it executed but
after looking more close at the docs and the actual source code the
QUndoCommand will definitely be executed when pushed onto the stack. This
behavior does not make sense to me and I am probably missing something
simple about how to use the QUndoStack. Could someone offer an explanation
of why my command gets executed? And also how do I get my undocommand on the
stack **without** executing the command?

I haven't used QUndoStack much myself, but to me what you describe
does not make sense. An undo stack is supposed to represent what has
happened (this history), so why should a command not be executed when
pushed? Is it that you have already executed it manually?

Either way, I think a command will always be executed when pushed, so
that's what you need to work with. The -1 id thing seems to be just
for controlling the merging behavior.



Michael A. Jackson
BlueQuartz Software, LLC
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