Maybe an odd hack would be to use the Qt translation system? Or, an interferface that used QT_DEBUG define to look in debug locations. I would think that if not compiled in, Qt would already default to the file system?
Sent: Friday, June 17, 2016 at 2:32 PM
From: "Xavier Bigand" <>
To: "Jason H" <>
Cc: "Max Savenkov" <>, "<>" <>
Subject: Re: [Interest] Routing all QML file requests through a custom resource provider
I think that we do something similar that you try to achieve.
I am working on an application that almost works like a game. During development our resources on the regular file system of Windows, Mac,... but when building the final release all ressources are filtered and compressed in a custom package file format to optimize resources for each platforms,....
So by using regular file system during the development, there is no issue with Qt tools including QtCreator and QML editor.
The only little issue we have actually is that we need to extract all qml files from the package before loading our main.qml to the file system of the current device when we execute the final release.
Else qml can access every resources from the package.
To make Qt and Qml able to load resources from the package you need to implement a QAbstractFileEngine and QAbstractFileEngineHandler.
The Engine handler contains only "create(const QString& fileName)" method that have to instanciate our derived class of QAbstractFileEngine if the fileName is in our package, else return nullptr to fallback to the regular file system
We simply prefix all our resources path by "/PACKAGE_NAME/" when setting source properties in QML. To be precise in QML we call a c++ method that transform the relative path given in parameter to the full form, this is this method that prefix the path to force QML to read files from the package or not.
I also didn't recommend you to use qrc files as it doesn't allow you to make your application able to reload QML,... when running. We do hot reloading because QML editor doesn't work if you bind C++ methods.
This method isn't officially supported by Qt as QAbstractFileEngine and QAbstractFileEngineHandler are privates.
You will have to use includes like that :
#if QT_VERSION == 0x050402

#   include <QtCore/5.4.2/QtCore/private/qabstractfileengine_p.h>
#elif QT_VERSION == 0x050500
#   include <QtCore/5.5.0/QtCore/private/qabstractfileengine_p.h>
#elif QT_VERSION == 0x050501
#   include <QtCore/5.5.1/QtCore/private/qabstractfileengine_p.h>
#elif QT_VERSION == 0x050600
#   include <QtCore/5.6.0/QtCore/private/qabstractfileengine_p.h>
#elif QT_VERSION == 0x050601
#   include <QtCore/5.6.1/QtCore/private/qabstractfileengine_p.h>
#elif QT_VERSION == 0x050700
#   include <QtCore/5.7.0/QtCore/private/qabstractfileengine_p.h>
#   error
Feel free to vote for the come back of those APIs :
2016-06-17 18:47 GMT+02:00 Jason H <>:
You can of course use all of Qt without QtCreator. I've done it, and it's still possible.
When you have a resource, it becomes availible in the binary's asset system, and need not be distributed as a file on disk. This can prevent tampering if the binary is signed. Also I would assume that it gets loaded in the text segment of the executable and winds up on memory pages without the EXEC bit set. 
Sent: Friday, June 17, 2016 at 12:37 PM
From: "Max Savenkov" <>
To: "Jason H" <>
Cc: "Dmitry Volosnykh" <>, "<>" <>

Subject: Re: [Interest] Routing all QML file requests through a custom resource provider
OK, but if I do not use QtCreator, is there no way to make it work? What does adding a qrc file to RESOURCES actually do (besides triggering resource compiler)? I'm looking for an understanding here.
2016-06-17 19:23 GMT+03:00 Jason H <>:

What Dimitry said plus:
CONFIG += resources_big

to your .pro file, which should get around some long linking times.
Sent: Friday, June 17, 2016 at 5:45 AM
From: "Dmitry Volosnykh" <>
To: "Max Savenkov" <>, "<>" <>
Subject: Re: [Interest] Routing all QML file requests through a custom resource provider

Hi, Max!
To be honest, I did not understand in all the details what you are trying to achieve. Anyway that looks way complex indeed.
Since you are inclined to pack all you resources into auxiliary file like zip package, you are surely okay with static content. Having this said, you should be fine using conventional .qrc files (this is what you named Qt resource system). These files are easily accessed (i.e. viewed, edited, etc.) from Qt Creator. Qt Designer tools understand them perfectly fine, as well. Also, there should be no issues when importing QML components from your .qml files once you feed QML engine with root .qml file stored inside .qrc file.

On Fri, Jun 17, 2016 at 12:09 PM Max Savenkov <> wrote:Hello,

Once again, I'm trying to use Qt (in this case, QtQuick/QML) for game
development. The game is going to store all its resources in a package
(it might be zip, or a custom format) when deployed, but during
development, resources are available in the usual filesystem. This
difference is hidden by game's resource provider, which maps resource
name to a file or an entry in package.

This works for the game itself, but how can I make QML load images,
imports and other resources from game's resource provider? (also, I'd
like to view my QML files in Designer, which means I can't use custom
image providers in QML code itself)

I see two possibilities, but I'm not sure of either one.

1) Use dynamic resources produced by rcc. When loading a QML file from
C++, also load relevant rcc data (from game's resources) and register it
with Qt resource system to make it accessible. This sounds workable, but
I'm not sure how exactly to make it happen. Suppose I got a binary
buffer from game's resources. How do I register it in Qt?

2) Use a system of crutches.
* Register Url Interceptor with my QMLEngine, such that:
     - any URL that contains an image is changed into
     - any URL that contains qml or qmldir is change into... What? There
is no way to register a special loader for QML imports. But I guess I
can change it into a network request, by substituting shcema to, for
example, "my_provider"
* Register image provider with name "my_resource_provider" that loads
images from my resource system.
* Register a custom network access manager factory/manager/network reply
that load QML files from my system instead of network. This doesn't
quite work, however, because QML at some point for whatever reason
checks that URL used to load qml file is local...

So, I'm stumped. This should be WAY easier... And it was, before
AbstractFileEngine was made private. But I really don't want to use
private APIs if I can avoid it.
An argument against AbstractFileEngine was made, that virtual FS should
be implemented "at OS level" - but I simply cannot see how a game can
implement it at OS level, because it's a game 0_o.
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