Yup, I know all that, but once you cache a movie you can do that though (because it takes care of what you describe). It's a feature I need, and it will cost memory for sure, but that's the app I need to write.


On 12/07/16 5:38 pm, Thiago Macieira wrote:
On terça-feira, 12 de julho de 2016 15:48:47 PDT Frank Rueter | OHUfx wrote:
Hi all,

I am wondering how to mirror a cached QMovie object horizontally and
vertically and how to play it in reverse.
Is this even achievable with QMovie? If not could it be achieved by
manipulating the IODevice somehow?
I can't find a single thing online about this sort of thing.
Forget about playing it in reverse. Movie files are encoded in such a way that
the frame N+1 depends on the rendering of frame N. To play in reverse, you
need to render all of the non-key frames, store them in memory, then display

That's why rewinding on moving players is usually choppy, while fast-forward
can be smooth: rewinding often simply displays the key frames.

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