The problem is if you implement non-generic file I/O, it has limited applicability, and you will always need a C++ layer.
The problem is if you implement generic, non-standard I/O then there is no consistent API and charing code becomes hard, as everyone has to implement everone else's IO libray.
The only reasonable solution is to provide a generic standard libray which satisfies every both use cases. The more code that gets written in QML, the more need you'll have to write to files. With this API missing, we are headed for a disaster. I'm surprised we've gone for this long without one.
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2016 at 4:08 AM
From: "Vlad Stelmahovsky" <>
Subject: Re: [Interest] Thoughts on a 'proper' (or standard) file/io API for QML?
Sorry for offtop but..
what the reason to use cross platform, native framework and implement file io via JS?
On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 10:36 PM, Alejandro Exojo <> wrote:
On Wednesday 10 August 2016 17:09:17 Jason H wrote:
> I know it's not a normal thing, but occasionally in QML we need to access
> files. Exposing an object is not hard, but it would be really good to have
> a standard to enable QML libraries that use file IO.
> There are two ways to basically so this:
> - QML Specific API
> - Node.JS-compatible API
> I did find this:

This is a different thing IMHO.

> But I think this is something Qt needs to standardize on. My opinion is to
> use the Node API, which contains sync and async functions.
> Does anyone have any opinions or insight on this?

Yes, isn't that what CommonJS intended? I don't remember what Qbs had, but
something like that I think.

Meanwhile, you should check this:

Alex (a.k.a. suy) | GPG ID 0x0B8B0BC2 |

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