On 09/23/2016 10:13 AM, Jason H wrote:

What I don't like right now about Qt is the 3-legged arthritic dog
running in deep snow called QML. It was a bastardized concept when first
conceived and it hasn't gotten any better. Nokia started that concept
which explains why they are non-existent in the phone market today.
Actually, the entire industry is moving to declarative. React+JSX is the most recent 
example. If you want the first example, I think it was XUL, the layout engine for Mozilla 
("Seamonkey"? about 15 years ago) and since then it's been attempted in various 
places (Even MS). FWIW, I think Qt's implementation of declarative is hands-down the best 
implementation, and I don't think it can be beat. And that's me, an old QWidget guy since 

Actually, none of the "industry" is moving to declarative languages. Industry being embedded devices without GPU, having 512Meg or less of RAM needing to achieve 10 days active battery life (not 10 hours standby)
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