On 09/28/2016 12:25 PM, interest-requ...@qt-project.org wrote:
Don't you have unit tests?
Yes. But which is better, to be forced to use an inherently error-prone
language (JavaScript) and rely on unit tests to clean up the mess, or to
use a robust modern language (C++) and have less bugs to find and fix in
the first place?
This entire concept of TDD is the greatest failure of Agile. Relying on a developer who read the story wrong to write a test proving his/her incorrect interpretation of the story works perfectly via automated testing just so managers can tell people they run X-thousand tests on the code base each time a change is made...So what? Virtually all X-thousand are worthless.

The reason I'm so far behind on this list is that once again I've been called into an Agile shop to work on a project which is currently a train wreck and I'm spending 7 days per week trying to drag it out of the path of the impending plane crash before both roll down the hill into a pre-school. Agile is _completely_ to blame for the state of this project. You cannot hope to start a successful project which involves both a messaging system to external devices AND a database without first writing and vetting the following:


For those unfamiliar with the proper way to do things:
BRD = Business Requirements Document
SRD = System Requirements Document
SAD = System Architecture Document
SSD = System Specification Document

When you work off nothing but stories you are hacking on the fly and if your coders aren't system architect level people, not just one, but each and every one of them, you end in failure. You end up with a developer choosing to store data in JSON files for a device taking dozens, some times hundreds of readings per second, appending the new reading to the end of a JSON array and writing the entire file back to an SD card. Without the event->message->device response->message->event life cycle completely mapped out in a solid document you end up with a dozen programmers working from a dozen different stories doing it a dozen different ways so eventually you end up with an embedded system slamming hundreds of requests onto a message bus for data it only needed to get once at startup.
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