Hi guys, I'm currently adding an OLE layer to my app using ActiveQt
<http://doc.qt.io/qt-4.8/activeqt.html>. It went great so far except that I
can't understand why my signals are not passed to the OLE.
I'm using Qt's testcon <http://doc.qt.io/qt-4.8/activeqt-testcon.html> to
monitor the events.
After hours trying to debug my app and going nowhere, I tried to start from
an official Qt example and modify it to suit my need.


   I started with the AxBouncer example from the well know book *C++ GUI
   Programming with Qt4, 2nd Edition
   The souce code is available freely here:
   I just added a signal, a QTimer in the constructor that fires the event
   every second. testcon shows it works very well.
   But that example produces a dll. As soon as I turn it into an
   executable, the signal stops from being detected by testcon.

   I then gave a look an official example from Qt named simple
   This example already comes with some signals that are emitted whenever
   you move a QSlider.
   Tested it with testcon and, again, the signals are not shown. pic of the
   result here: http://i.imgur.com/96MO94n.png

I'm now wondering if this is a known limitation or something like that.
Unfortunately the online help is really quiet on these kind of platform
specific topics so any help will be much *much* appreciated.
(I can share minimal source code to reproduce the working and non working
configurations if needed)
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