Konstantin, as you suggested, I am trying to build this source, to merge into my Qt 5.6.2 build:

 * http://download.qt.io/community_releases/5.6/5.6.2/

(BTW, IS THERE a more appropriate forum on which I can ask questions about building QtWebKit?)

After running the Qt 5.6.2 qmake.exe, the build proceeded well, but ...

For some reason, Qt 5.6.2's qtbase\src\3rdparty\sqlite doesn't make its way into the QWebKit 5.6.2's build. At various points in the build, I was able to continue after doing the following things:

 * SET SQLITE3SRCDIR=C:\Riverware\tools\Qt-562\qtbase\src\3rdparty\sqlite
 * copy qtbase\src\3rdparty\sqlite\sqlite3.h to

After many hours of building, the following link fails with the indicated error:


   @C:\Users\philw\AppData\Local\Temp \nmE3F2.tmp

 * LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'sqlite3.lib'

WHAT IS the right way to get Qt 5.6.2's copy of sqlite into the QWebKit's 5.6.2 build?

On 10/27/2016 1:52 AM, Konstantin Tokarev wrote:
You can also build QtWebKit 5.6.2 [1] with VS2010, or use tip of 5.6 git branch
(which already contains additional fixes to be included into 5.6.3)

Unfortunately, VS2015 (or MinGW>= 4.9, port is almost finished) is required
to build fresh WebKit because of its heavy use of C++ 11


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