On Thu, Dec 29, 2016 at 5:26 PM, Jason H <jh...@gmx.com> wrote:

> I've been looking into this recently, and the industry is converting on
> async/await keywords.
> They (and generators, coroutines, etc) are in ECMAScript 7 (babel
> supported), Python 3.5 (with complete support in 3.6) I consider generators
> as an incremental step to async/await
> JS:
> async function () {
>      await someOtherAsyncFunction();
> }
> Python:
> async def ():
>      await someOtherAsyncFunction()

This is exactly what we use in Node.js, latest ECMAScript7 using babel, we
have kickstart here if anyone find it interesting

> The draft you mention is far from complete, but it suggests a similar
> syntax but prefixed with co_*
> My bigger opinion of these things is that while they increase
> single-threaded performance, they are really are in the wrong direction.
> We're headed to more cores, so eeking-out the last little bit of your
> timeslice is still admirable, but is an artificial limitation imposed by
> single-threaded environments. The real focus should be on more computing
> core indepenence, which is what QtConcurrent gives you. The only single
> core computer I own is a $5 Raspberry Pi Zero. The most recent Pi is now a
> quad-core. A 7-year old cellpone, the Motorola Atrix, was the first dual
> core phone. The _only_ place where single-thread async computing makes
> sense is io-bound processes. In all other cases the lack of proper
> threading works against you. JS evidences this because it's event loop is
> blocked for long-running processes, which delays the scheduling of other
> events on the loop which causes a scheduling cascade, which create "slow"
> or "janky" Browser UIs.
> That being said, my single-thread async web server services over 1000
> real, non-cached requests a second. But all it's doing is processing
> incoming JSON and serializing to a database, or the reverse.

Yea, I do agree, but we are trying to make a framework that is friendly out
of the box, which still allows finer approaches, and threading is not

> *Sent:* Tuesday, December 27, 2016 at 4:50 PM
> *From:* "Petar Koretić" <petar.kore...@gmail.com>
> *To:* "Qt Project MailingList" <interest@qt-project.org>
> *Subject:* [Interest] QFuture, QAsync? Coroutines, Generators, Promises,
> Futures...
> Hi all!
> In the wild people are doing all kinds of different things with Qt on the
> network side. And there are some obvious issues with that given the
> "callback" nature of Qt networking code.
> One can see different examples of people over the years dealing with that:
> http://cukic.co/2016/01/17/asynqt-framework-making-qfuture-useful
> https://github.com/KDE/kasync
> http://qasync.henrikhedberg.com
> https://github.com/mhogomchungu/tasks
> https://gist.github.com/legnaleurc/1038309
> Since we are also using Qt a lot on the server side I'm curious what is
> the progress from the Qt side on that given that coroutines will come to
> C++ (http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/experimental)
> We were using Boost and as we were using Qt for clients decided we could
> also do server parts in Qt as well. This is all fine and I enjoyed it, but
> boost has futures, promises and coroutines as well, which is nice, since we
> also have backends in Node.js where we employ identical patterns.
> So I've been waiting for 2 years now to see what will come up from Qt and
> I don't see much about that changing. Heck, QAsync tackled this in 2011.
> Will Qt "embrace" coroutines from standard? Will they come up with
> something of their own? Should we abandon Qt for networking? Should we use
> something of our own?
> One possible way currently is to use QtConcurrent (badly I guess) and wrap
> everything into QtConcurrent::run, which, for example, for QNetworkRequest
> means first converting it to sync code using local event loop which is
> again not recommended.
> I expect that everybody is up to date and know about
> callbacks/coroutines/futures/promises/generators these days but for
> others here are some examples that explain it better than I can:
> http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_63_0/libs/coroutine2/doc/
> html/coroutine2/motivation.html
> https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/mt573711.aspx
> https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/vcblog/2016/04/04/using-c-
> coroutines-to-simplify-async-uwp-code
> Thanks,
> Petar
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