
my mobile app using QNetworkAccessManager to access https://www.webnotes.cz

stopped working with Android 6.0+ (there were general problems with SSL solved by bundling OpenSSL libs, that is OK).

Other sites that have SSL certificates well set do work well.

On Linux desktop also the problematic site works well, but on Android the system is too unhappy about untrusted certificate and it does not return a reply.

What did not help so far:

* QSslSocket::VerifyNone in QSslConfiguration::setPeerVerifyMode

* QNetworkReply::ignoreSslErrors() as reaction to QNetworkAccessManager::sslErrors signal

* QSslSocket::addDefaultCaCertificate with all involved certificates

It seems to me that native C++ is unable to set SSL errors ignorance or I am not getting something important.

With native Android Java the correct response is coming as soon as I force ignoring SSL errors.

Any idea how to ignore the SSL errors on newer Androids?

Thank you in advance

Jan Struhar

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