I have a app that does a lot of numeric processing,using quint32, qreal mostly 
(and occasional QVector3D). 10k-1M items in the data set. I generally do know 
the size of the dataset before I start adding to it, so I call reserve() on it. 
Given that, and that I've been using QMap and QVector, when I use QMap and want 
the keys() it gives me a QList, which I then have to call toVector() on. 

So this leads me to ask if I should be using QList all this time? I had thought 
that QList was considered harmful. [1][2][3]
But "everything" seems to return to me a QList, rather than a QVector.

What should I be using? (I'm Targeting 5.8 and later.)

It seems that keys() should be returning a QVector? or there should be a 
keysAsVector() (or a keys(QIterable *), or template) so that I don't have to 
pay the conversion cost twice.

[2] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/33609406/qlist-vs-qvector-revisited 
[3] http://lists.qt-project.org/pipermail/development/2015-July/022285.html 
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