
My apologies if this question has been asked before. We are upgrading our Qt 
application running on Lubuntu 32-bit from Qt 5.3.2 to Qt 5.8. One of the 
issues we have ran into is font handling. The Qt 5.3.2 version of our 
application detects the system fonts fine (the directories under 
/usr/share/fonts). However when starting the Qt 5.8 version we get this error:

"QFontDatabase: Cannot find font directory"

The directory that QFontDatabase looks at is "/usr/local/lib/lib/fonts", which 
of course does not exists.

The Qt 5.3.2 we use this the one that was provided by qt.io. The Qt 5.8 version 
we compiled from source on a virtual machine.

We can get one of the directories to work by setting QT_QPA_FONTDIR, but our 
fonts are scattered over many directories.

What is the proper way of solving this problem?

Did we forget to configure some setting when compiling Qt 5.8 or has there been 
a change in behaviour and do we need to move all our fonts to one location?


Huu Minh Nguyen
R&D Project Engineer Electronics


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