> It's not web-driven app, there are push notifications, in app purchase, 
> google 
> api authorization and a few more. WebRTC allows me to use some "call center" 
> infrastructure with TURN and STUN servers provided by VoIP provider. They 
> have 
> commercial JS library where all webRTC communications is done. I can access 
> camera no problem, did that for QR codes, but then I would have to do all 
> webRTC related stuff myself.

Oh I see. Yeah, that's not a good position to be in. If they provided a native 
library you'd be better off. Maybe their code will work in V4 so you don't need 
a web view (Qt's JS engine)?

Also, maybe the JS library they provide is just a thin wrapper around a native 
library? Otherwise, you'll have to find a compatible native library. It's 
frustratingly close to working as-is, I'll give you that!

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