
Sorry, I should have sent you the output of my test. 

On the Image below, the knobs labels are using NativeRendering (OCTAVE & FINE)

If you compare them agains WAVEFORM and SEMITONE, you will notice them more 

I will try the code you sent me!




> On 25 Oct 2017, at 13:22, Shawn Rutledge <> wrote:
>> On 25 Oct 2017, at 11:54, Nuno Santos <> wrote:
>> Shawn,
>> Thanks for your reply.
>> It actually got worst with this setting.
> In what way?
> The downside of native text is that it’s a bit less efficient, and is 
> rendered exactly at the declared font size, so transforms such as scaling and 
> rotation look terrible.  We don’t use it by default because QtQuick is for 
> fluid applications, but static text looks “more native” with NativeRendering.
> Here’s a little torture-test you can try (with the qml runtime):
> import QtQuick 2.0
> import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1
> import QtQuick.Controls 2.1
> Rectangle {
>    width: 900
>    height: 480
>    GridLayout {
>        width: parent.width
>        columns: 3
>        flow: GridLayout.TopToBottom
>        Repeater {
>            model: 10
>            Text {
>                text: "default rendering"
>                font.pixelSize: sizeSlider.value * (index + 1)
>                transformOrigin: Item.TopLeft
>                scale: scaleSlider.value
>                rotation: rotationSlider.value
>            }
>        }
>        Repeater {
>            id: nrRepeater
>            model: 10
>            Text {
>                renderType: Text.NativeRendering
>                text: "native rendering"
>                font.pixelSize: sizeSlider.value * (index + 1)
>                Layout.column: 1
>                Layout.row: index
>                transformOrigin: Item.TopLeft
>                scale: scaleSlider.value
>                rotation: rotationSlider.value
>            }
>        }
>        Repeater {
>            model: 10
>            Canvas {
>                width: 300
>                height: fontSize
>                property real fontSize: sizeSlider.value * (index + 1)
>                onPaint: {
>                    var ctx = getContext("2d");
>                    ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
>                    ctx.fillStyle = Qt.rgba(0, 0, 0, 1);
>                    ctx.font = fontSize + 'px Helvetica';
>                    ctx.textBaseline = 'top';
>                    console.log("painting " + index + " , height " + height + 
> " font " + ctx.font + " based on " + sizeSlider.value)
>                    ctx.fillText('canvas rendering', 0, 0);
>                }
>                Layout.column: 2
>                Layout.row: index
>                transformOrigin: Item.TopLeft
>                scale: scaleSlider.value
>                rotation: rotationSlider.value
>            }
>        }
>        SequentialAnimation on y {
>            id: jumper
>            running: cbAnimate.checked
>            loops: Animation.Infinite
>            NumberAnimation { from: 0; to: amplitudeSlider.value }
>            NumberAnimation { to: 0; from: amplitudeSlider.value }
>        }
>    }
>    Column {
>        anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
>        Row {
>            spacing: 6
>            Text { text: "Pixel size"; anchors.verticalCenter: 
> parent.verticalCenter }
>            Slider { id: sizeSlider; from: 2; to: 5 }
>            CheckBox { id: cbAnimate; text: "Jumpy"; checked: true }
>            Slider { id: amplitudeSlider; from: 1; to: 10; value: 1; 
> onValueChanged: jumper.restart() }
>        }
>        Row {
>            spacing: 6
>            Text { text: "Scale"; anchors.verticalCenter: 
> parent.verticalCenter }
>            Slider { id: scaleSlider; from: 0.5; to: 2; value: 1 }
>            Text { text: "Rotation"; anchors.verticalCenter: 
> parent.verticalCenter }
>            Slider { id: rotationSlider; from: -10; to: 10; value: 0 }
>            Button { text: "Reset"; onClicked: { scaleSlider.value = 1; 
> rotationSlider.value = 0 } }
>        }
>    }
> }
>> So I assume there aren’t any other alternatives.
> There’s some work in progress toward rendering with contours eventually: 
> but that’s intended for larger 
> text sizes.
> You could try using QPainter (make a custom C++ Item which renders words to 
> textures and then creates QSGImageNodes for them), but I think that would 
> look about the same as native text.
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