Hello Qt Friends!

When using the QMqtt library, I've noticed there are two possible ways to 
inspect messages received by the client from the broker.

1. QMqttClient::messageReceived(const QByteArray &message, const QMqttTopicName 
2. QMqttSubscription::messageReceived(const QMqttMessage & message)

I understand that the first will be a firehose of all messages being received 
by the client. The second is to only see messages having to do with a specific 

Consider the following scenario:

// Example Topic Hierarchy
- app/users/$user/$client/friends
- app/users/$user/$client/conversations
- app/users/$user/$client/events

// Questions:

- Is it better to maintain individual QMqttSubscription objects for all 
possible topics a client is interested in and connect to each 
QMqttSubscription::messageReceived signal?

- Or does it make more sense to have a single subscription to a root topic 
(where applicable, in this case: "app/users/$user/$client/+" ), a bunch of IFs, 
and QMqttTopicFilter::match(const QMqttTopicName &name) to handle each case?

- It feels like maintaining a huge list of subscription objects will get 
annoying. However, is doing so worth it in terms of performance? Does it 
somehow reduce the overhead of matching strings all over (either internally in 
the QMqttClient or by my calling QMqttTopicFilter::match)?

// Example of "switching" on topic in a QMqttSubscription::messageReceived 
// using QMqttTopicFilter::match.
// Note:
//   Please ignore syntax / coding / technical errors.
//   This was written freehand purely to illustrate my point.

void AppMessageRouter::handleMQTTMessageReceived(const QMqttMessage 
== true)

 == true)
        this-> routeConversationsMessage(mqttMessage);

    if (QMqttTopicFilter("app/users/$user/$client/ events 
").match(mqttMessage.topic()) == true)

Thanks for your time!

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