> I would like to display colored widgets in a QTreeWidget.
> Screenshots of what I really have are in attached files.
> My wigdet is colored, but when in the QTreeWidget, it is all white. How can I 
> resolve it?

Are you adding your widget to the QTreeWidget via 
  QTreeWidget ::setCellWidget(int row, int column, QWidget *widget)

If so, I had the same issue and got this suggestion from Qt support:

"This does not look like a bug to me. The QStyledItemDelegate is the way to
customize painting the items in QTableView's (and Widgets), you can read more
about this from:

The Table views (and other item views) are rendered differently, so it looks
like the palette is just not used in these cases (looks like
QStyledItemDelegate does not support it). So if you want to customize the
items further, I would suggest using the QStyledItemDelegate."

We ended up changing our minds (for a different reason), and I never went
down the path suggested by Qt support, so I don't know how easy it is to
apply to what you're doing, but on the surface it sounds like what you might 
to do?

I personally still think it's a bug (again assuming you're using the 
setCellWidget() call),
since I think in that specific case, the QTableWidget should honor the fact 
that the 
widget you're setting within a table cell already knows how to paint itself 
fully and it's 
palette should be used.


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