The resource files listed in the .qrc file are files that are part of the 
application's source tree. *The specified paths are relative to the directory 
containing the .qrc file.* Note that the listed resource files must be located 
in the same directory as the .qrc file, or one of its subdirectories.

IMHO, making paths in resource files relative to the current directory would be 
*really* strange and most unfriendly decision.

On 05/27/2019 12:11 AM, Robert Heller wrote:
> At Sun, 26 May 2019 22:07:37 +0200 wrote:
>> On 2019-05-26 21:32, Robert Heller wrote:
>>> I am trying to bundle a directory of files generated by Doxygen into a Qt
>>> resource file, but I am getting a strange error from rcc.  Here is the
>>> transscript:
>>> Script started on Sun 26 May 2019 03:09:18 PM EDT
>>> less -X release/htmldoc.qrc
>>> <RCC>
>>>      <qresource prefix="/">
>>>          <file>release/html/open.png</file>
>>>          <file>release/html/doxygen.png</file>
>>>          <file>release/html/tab_h.png</file>
>>>          <file>release/html/files.html</file>
>>>          <file>release/html/graph_legend.md5</file>
>>>          <file>release/html/bc_s.png</file>
>>>          <file>release/html/</file>
>>>          <file>release/html/doxygen.css</file>
>>>          <file>release/html/jquery.js</file>
>>>          <file>release/html/closed.png</file>
>>>          <file>release/html/index.html</file>
>>>          <file>release/html/tab_a.png</file>
>>>          <file>release/html/pages.html</file>
>>>          <file>release/html/tab_b.png</file>
>>>          <file>release/html/graph_legend.html</file>
>>>          <file>release/html/nav_f.png</file>
>>>          <file>release/html/tab_s.png</file>
>>>          <file>release/html/nav_h.png</file>
>>>          <file>release/html/Copying.html</file>
>>>          <file>release/html/COPYING_8h_source.html</file>
>>>          <file>release/html/tabs.css</file>
>>>      </qresource>
>>> </RCC>
>>> /usr/lib64/qt5/bin/rcc --verbose -name htmldoc 
>>> release/html doc.qrc -o release/qrc_htmldoc.cpp
>>> Qt resource compiler
>>> Processing 1 files [0]
>>> Interpreting release/htmldoc.qrc
>>> RCC: Error in 'release/htmldoc.qrc': Cannot find file 
>>> 'release/html/open.png'
>>> ls -l release/html/
>>> total 196
>>> -rw-r--r--. 1 heller users   677 May 26 14:22 bc_s.png
>>> -rw-r--r--. 1 heller users   126 May 26 14:22 closed.png
>>> -rw-r--r--. 1 heller users  3964 May 26 14:22 COPYING_8h_source.html
>>> -rw-r--r--. 1 heller users 19435 May 26 14:22 Copying.html
>>> -rw-r--r--. 1 heller users 12350 May 26 14:22 doxygen.css
>>> -rw-r--r--. 1 heller users  3942 May 26 14:22 doxygen.png
>>> -rw-r--r--. 1 heller users  1406 May 26 14:22 files.html
>>> -rw-r--r--. 1 heller users  2226 May 26 14:22
>>> -rw-r--r--. 1 heller users  4653 May 26 14:22 graph_legend.html
>>> -rw-r--r--. 1 heller users    32 May 18 23:47 graph_legend.md5
>>> -rw-r--r--. 1 heller users  1506 May 26 14:22 index.html
>>> -rw-r--r--. 1 heller users 84882 May 26 14:22 jquery.js
>>> -rw-r--r--. 1 heller users   159 May 26 14:22 nav_f.png
>>> -rw-r--r--. 1 heller users    97 May 26 14:22 nav_h.png
>>> -rw-r--r--. 1 heller users   118 May 26 14:22 open.png
>>> -rw-r--r--. 1 heller users  1344 May 26 14:22 pages.html
>>> -rw-r--r--. 1 heller users   140 May 26 14:22 tab_a.png
>>> -rw-r--r--. 1 heller users   178 May 26 14:22 tab_b.png
>>> -rw-r--r--. 1 heller users   192 May 26 14:22 tab_h.png
>>> -rw-r--r--. 1 heller users  1095 May 26 14:22 tabs.css
>>> -rw-r--r--. 1 heller users   189 May 26 14:22 tab_s.png
>>> exit
>>> Script done on Sun 26 May 2019 03:10:06 PM EDT
>>> I am on a Linux machine (CentOS 6) using Qt 5.6.1 (from the EPel 
>>> repository):
>>> /usr/lib64/qt5/bin/rcc -v
>>> rcc 5.6.1
>>> rcc has no problem processing other qrc files.
>>> Why us rcc claiming it cannot find a file that all of my FS tools say is
>>> there?
>> Hi, shouldn't the entries in your .qrc file look like:
>> ...
>> <file>html/open.png</file>
>> <file>html/doxygen.png</file>
>> <file>html/tab_h.png</file>
>> <file>html/files.html</file>
>> ...
>> because that .qrc file is in the subdirectory "release"?
> Huh? I am running rcc in the directory above. Where the makefile is. Is rcc
> doing an effective cd to the dirname of the qrc file? That would be *really*
> strange (and most unfriendly...).  Is rcc really doing that?  Arg!!!
> PS: just tested it.  Yes it is doing that! Where is rcc documented?
>> (Or the other way around, if you want to keep the original .qrc file, 
>> create another "release" subdirectory below the first one and move the 
>> files down to that, i.e.
>> ls -l release/release/html
> That would be redundant...
>> total 196
>>  > -rw-r--r--. 1 heller users   677 May 26 14:22 bc_s.png
>>  > -rw-r--r--. 1 heller users   126 May 26 14:22 closed.png
>>  > -rw-r--r--. 1 heller users  3964 May 26 14:22 COPYING_8h_source.html
>> ...
>> Rgrds Henry
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