On 9/14/20 5:29 PM, Jérôme Godbout wrote:
Oh,... now that's a deal breaker... I guess I will have to stick with
the old method for a while, having 1 plugins per modules to be expose
will need some major refactor over here. I have subrepos who have a
single .pri and might expose a few modules and some modules are
partials between subrepos. I gather my .pri to build for some targets
and platforms specific subrepos might add stuff to it.

You can also phrase your modules as C++-only static libraries and link them all together into the application. Mind that tools like Qt Creator or qmllint may have a hard time figuring this out and might not give you a meaningful analysis of your QML code. You will need to manually install your .qmltypes files into the import path or merge them together into a single one in the application directory. There is no "link" step for .qmltypes files (yet).

The idea seem good, but the result doesn't scale too well and ain't
flexible. Is the old way will still work into Qt 6 then?

You can still manually call qmlRegisterType, but if you want qmllint and a future QML-to-C++ compiler to see your C++ types, you shouldn't.

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