On 3/26/21 6:00 AM, Hamish Moffatt wrote:
I really don't understand your arguments Roland. You say you need Qt
support for 15 years, but you can't actually change one bit of your
software without FDA approval, so presumably this means you aren't
upgrading Qt anyway. Then after 15 years you want to work on a new model
of the device, starting with your existing code, and you expect it to
compile with the latest Qt unchanged?

Stable API.

By definition a Stable API only has additions. In incredibly rare isolated cases things get deleted ___AFTER__ they have a direct or mostly direct replacement.

I was involved in a discussion a couple months ago with someone who just that morning cracked open 50 year old FORTRAN that compiled with the latest FORTRAN compiler just fine. The code had been running in production unchanged for 50 years. That's ordinary in the deep pockets world, not an exception, the rule.

Someone else was talking about support for RHEL 6. Why do you expect to
use the latest Qt with an ancient OS? Is it reasonable to expect to use
new Qt with an ancient OS?

Qt actively pursued these markets and then abandoned them. Multi-million dollar investments (if I remember what Scott wrote correctly, a billion with a B dollar investment) on long term projects. Well, ordinary term for our worlds but beyond the Arc of Time for what Qt now pursues. These investments got made because the stuff was supposed to be supported for the duration.

Our worlds last longer than a gallon of milk and they were actively pursued.

I see that the latest Microsoft Visual C++ compiler toolset (v142)
doesn't support building for Windows XP. You can still use an older
compiler. That seems like a reasonable compromise.

When you come from a short lived world, that would seem reasonable. We walk in worlds where stuff routinely runs 30-50 years. It's a requirement.

The gist of this thread seems to be, from Thiago and others, is that those who need Qt to be a viable product with a stable API need to fork it into a completely separate project that doesn't delete anything without querying the installed base. You want to see how viable companies and products are managed.


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I haven't done squat with DIBOL in years. I did write Synergex a nice "how to use it on VMS" chapter some years ago that they are free to use however they want. Every time they are ready for major changes one of these things comes out. They understand that the care and feeding of the installed base is what keeps a roof over their head and food on their table. That once you pursue an industry and get it to invest in your product, you don't abandon it.

The mantra from the Qt project, and Digia for that matter, is "Sucks to be you!"

You want the Cliff Notes response?

Qt as a community and commercial product pursued the medical device and SAFETY industries because of their deep pockets. They pursued these industries knowing full well that, baring a product with adverse outcomes, 15 years would be the soonest redevelopment would happen.

From time to time we get hit with new industry regulations and have to tweak something. During those times we tend to update any libraries because we are going to have to bite the bullet on some level of approval anyway. We can successfully do this when we have a stable API. What you can't generally do is slip in a new OS.

Here is a real life real world example.

Most every medical device manufacturer that had touch screens on their devices had super secret field service screens on the device. When the devices had an external USB or other connection it was customized to have extra pins and those screens couldn't be accessed unless you had the "key" so to speak. In addition to the "key" you had to know the field service access code. Usually a 4-6 digit code. For devices that didn't have external ports you had to have the proper tool to crack up the case so you could install the field service card that had the port.

Most considered bifurcated security good enough. Everybody overlooked the fact that XYZ corporation's products all used 1709 as their access code and Harry Widgets medical devices all used 4591. Not just one model, all models.

In the Post 9/11 cyber security changes that started coming down the FDA decided that each customer should be able to set their own field service code and that field service would need to request it from the administrators.

Every major customer decided they wanted that code pre-configured so their people could just unbox a new one and start using it.

Every little customer wanted to set the code themselves as part of the initial setup.

Pretty obvious a lot of new screen work had to happen when you consider it impacted every device ever made that had field service screens. Devices currently in the field had to be retrofited as well.

Almost every manufacturer updated what they were using for screen libraries at this time. Even the device manufacturers using Qt 4.8 and sharing fixes with other manufacturers did this. Some tried to go to the latest Qt only to find the journey perilous.

I will let Scott and others give examples from their worlds if they choose.

There is a huge embedded device industry that doesn't make disposable products. It appears the Qt project is only pursuing disposable products at this point.

Roland Hughes, President
Logikal Solutions


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