> Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2021 at 12:04 PM
> From: "Giuseppe D'Angelo via Interest" <interest@qt-project.org>
> To: interest@qt-project.org
> Subject: Re: [Interest] Help a unix guy on windows qmake
> On 21/04/2021 17:49, Jason H wrote:
> > What is the proper scope? Allegedly these are listed in 
> > C:\Qt\$ver\$compiler\mkspecs, however there are no win64 ones. I'm using 
> > mingw.
> mingw is the proper scope. When in doubt, look at Qt's own sources.
> > src/angle/src/libEGL/libEGL.pro
> > 19:    mingw:equals(QT_ARCH, i386): DEF_FILE = 
> > $$ANGLE_DIR/src/libEGL/$${DEF_FILE_TARGET}_mingw32.def
> >
> > src/angle/src/libGLESv2/libGLESv2.pro
> > 9:    mingw: equals(QT_ARCH, i386): DEF_FILE = 
> > $$ANGLE_DIR/src/libGLESv2/$${DEF_FILE_TARGET}_mingw32.def

MinGW is not x64? It's running on a fairly recent windows 10 machine.

> > Why is there no $PROJ variable for linking when shadow building?
> > $PWD resolves to the shadow build dir, it seems?
> > How do I properly refer LIBS to $PROJ/libraries/x64/mylib.lib?
> > How do I properly refer INCLUDEPATH to $PROJ/libraries/mylib.h?
> > You know what $PROJ means, but for some reason this concept doesn't exist 
> > in qmake yet?
> I... don't quite know what $PROJ means *for you*? :)
> Do you mean $$OUT_PWD? Do you mean $$shadowed($$PWD)?

% git clone project
% cd project
% export PROj=`pwd` # this is where I want to start the path for the .pro 
options below.
% mkdir $PROJ/libraries/win. ## developed on linux, add new platform: windows
% cp -r C:/blah/Vendor/win $PROJ/libraries/win ## copy vendor libraries
% git add .
% git commit -m "Add windows libraries"
% git push

Now, when compiling, regardless of shadow build or not, refer to the libs by 
adding to the project:
+++ project.pro
+ mingw {
+     INCLUDEPATH += $PROJ/libraries/win/include
+     LIBS += -L$PROJ/libraries/win/$ARCH -lvendor
+ }

It seems that $PWD ${PWD} or whatever ($${PWD}?) refer to the build dir, be it 
shadow or not. I don't want to copy the libraries
to the shadow dir in QMAKE_PRE_LINK because they *never* change.

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