> Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2021 at 4:50 AM
> From: "Volker Hilsheimer" <volker.hilshei...@qt.io>
> To: "Bernhard Lindner" <priv...@bernhard-lindner.de>
> Cc: "interest@qt-project.org" <interest@qt-project.org>
> Subject: Re: [Interest] Guide me through the Qt offerings for GUIs
> > On 21 Apr 2021, at 22:39, Bernhard Lindner <priv...@bernhard-lindner.de> 
> > wrote:
> > 
> > 
> >> Personally, I think the exsting QtQuick element should be scrapped and 
> >> just focus on QML
> >> versions of the existing Widget functionality. I love the QML syntax, hate 
> >> that it's not
> >> just a layer on top of widgets.
> > 
> > +100
> > 
> > Why this wasn't done from the start is one of the hardest puzzles! I ask 
> > myself this
> > question every time I read the three letters "QML" :-) 
> Indeed, it’s an obvious knee-jerk reaction to have when looking at Qt and 
> wondering why there are several UI frameworks.
> But there are several reasons why things are as they are. Some of them:
> * imperative painting
> Paint-event based drawing with a “pen” is not easily reconcilable with how 
> GPUs like to work. Without a persistent scene graph that is uploaded to the 
> GPU, much of the performance you get from a GPU is lost. An animation at 
> 60fps is ideally just a draw call on the GPU with some different 
> transformations, not a completely new upload of a completely reconstructed 
> scene graph for each frame.
> Widgets can draw into a framebuffer texture that can be used, and that allows 
> for some integration, but that doesn’t give you great performance.
> * integer coordinates and clipping
> Widgets work with integer coordinates, which starts to be problematic now 
> that we have high-DPI displays. And widgets clip are clipped to their parent 
> geometry, which was the right choice for those UIs, but is very limiting and 
> requires a lot of complex code to solve conceptually simple problems. Hello 
> macOS focus ring.
> Quick items do not clip and are not clipped, which gives a lot more freedom 
> in how shapes are combined and structured.

The painting problem I understand, and as I understand it, the biggest reason 
for the break?. It's different world. But Integer coordinates don't seem like 
such a big deal.

> * declarative vs imperative APIs
> Many widget classes don’t have a declarative-friendly API. Plenty of widget 
> properties have side effects on other properties, so the order in which 
> properties are set matters. That doesn’t work well in a declarative world.

I don't buy this. You can do declarative to imperative mapping. Isn't this what 
the QtQuick compiler does?

> * weight
> Widgets are heavy, often very complex objects. They often come with all bells 
> and whistles. QPushButton always has the data structure to support 
> QPushButton::setMenu, even if probably <1% of buttons out there ever use that 
> feature. That’s ok on desktop machines, it’s not ok on embedded systems.

I have a hard time buying this one as well because you've added GL, which 
requires additional hardware. Sure emulate it in software if you dare, but it's 
worse than painting.

> * complexity and hard to customize
> Inheritance and reimplementing are nice concepts on paper and works great if 
> you build your own custom widget from a reasonably abstract base class. But 
> if you have ever tried to subclass e.g. QTreeWidget to modify how certain 
> interactions work, then you know how hard it can be to not break the complex 
> states that the default implementations rely on.

The "inheritance" in QML is outstanding. Super simple and effective.
> So, making widgets work in a declarative, GPU friendly world where ease of 
> customisation is more important than standard look’n'feel would have required 
> many changes to widgets. Those would have been impossible to make without 
> invalidating or breaking a lot of code out there, and still not given us the 
> UI components we would have needed.
> I’m sure there are opportunities to share more code between widgets and quick 
> world esp on the UI framework classes, and with Qt 6 we have taken some steps 
> into that direction. But whether the benefits outweigh the risks and effort 
> requires a case-by-case evaluation.

I think that's a false choice. 

Anyway, I hate using QML for any kind of text input because it's so crunchy 
even today. Why do I have to set `selectByMouse: true`? 

I don't understand why the layout system, one of the best, most awesome things 
about old Qt, what make me fall in love with Qt (aside from the clean API), was 
abandoned. I don't see why traditional layouts had to be yeeted even if the 
widgets had to be replaced. The painting issue I get. Sure, thre might be Row 
and Column replacing VericalBoxLayout, HorizontalBoxLayout, etc. But working 
with the replacements (Hey, I like shorter names -less typing-) is a crunchy 
experience. Dealing with childrenRect, implcitWigth/height, etc. New concepts 
that, in a transitional time made the transition harder. QML has not been the 
ideal, it's 12 years old, people are still debating if it should be used. I 
think harmonizing the two, and providing classic APIs will reduce the need to 
make that choice, which in the end, is just choice between painter or GL 

Also, I am using mingw on Windows with QML for the first time in years, and 
that experience is crunchy. Fonts look terrible and there's glitching in the 
app, that looks like a GL issue.

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