
I think I reported a similar thing in https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-93084

Is this like your problem?

It doesn't happen with Software or OpenGL rendering.

Às 13:12 de 10/05/2021, Benjamin TERRIER escreveu:

On Thu, 6 May 2021 at 02:21, Jason H <jh...@gmx.com <mailto:jh...@gmx.com>> wrote:

    I use mainly Mac and Android and I don't see these issues, however
    the Windows 64 experience is very crunchy. I was asked to make a
    simple serial port monitor. I developed on my mac. It's solid.
    It's got QML UI using Rows, Columns, Text, TextEdits (Controls
    v2), and a ComboBox (Controls v2) for selecting the serial port.

    However, I've tried it on 2 HP laptops:
    - The first shows triangular artifacts, like a GL triangle is
    glitching, but the triangle is very acute, and fleeting.

    - The other one doesn't glitch with the triangle, it redraws the
    background then draws on top of it (as it should). But here's the
    crazy thing, it's got a rhythm like a heart beat like
    .....|.|;.....|.|; where the | indicate the text fields
    disappearing, reappearing. (so in one cycle the controls flicker
    twice with a short pause between them, and. along pose separating
    them) One cycle is on the order of about 2 seconds.

    Nothing in the UI falls into this pattern.  The serial port stuff
    is async.

    How do I fix this?

Does it look like this: https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-49866 <https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-49866> I was never able to fix it, but it only affected a Intel CPU that we only had in a couple of development PCs.

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