> Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2021 at 4:23 PM
> From: "Jason H" <jh...@gmx.com>
> To: "interestqt-project.org" <interest@qt-project.org>
> Subject: [Interest] QJsonDocument::fromVariant failing with list
> I'm having trouble with QJsonDocument::fromVariant() is not handling arrays:
>       QVariant list;
>       QList<QVariantMap> letters {
>                       QVariantMap {{"a",1}},
>                       QVariantMap {{"b",2}},
>                       QVariantMap {{"c",3}}
>       };
>       list.setValue(letters);
>       map["err"] = QVariant(); // null
>       map["letters"] = list;
>       qDebug() << QJsonDocument::fromVariant(map)
>                               .toJson(QJsonDocument::Compact);
> Output:
> {"err":null,"letters":null}
> I'm expecting:
> {"err":null,"letters":[{"a": 1},{"b": 2},{"c": 3}]}

So it looks like it works with:
QList<QVariant> letters {...}
It seems like QList<QVariantMap> vs QList<QVariant> should have the same 
behavior as each other?

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