On 06/07/2021 11:17, Till Oliver Knoll wrote:
Dear all,

Disclaimer: my C++ knowledge is a bit rusty, especially as far as
standard C++ containers and modern features (C++11, 17, 20) are
concerned. That's exactly the reason why I have started another small
open source project, and also the reason why I now tend to use C++
standard containers (instead of the Qt ones - for no other reason to get
more knowledge about them).

Every then and when I stumble over some Qt classes which do not work
with some given C++ container classes. In some cases I could explain
this for myself based on some "web research", e.g. the "shared data"
concept of e.g. QString does not work with the concept of "unique
pointers" (which are to be stored in some C++ container. And I
intuitively understand that.

But now I stumbled over the following example for which I do not find
any relevant "web research" results (specific to Qt classes). I am
trying to create an unordered hashmap, with QUuid as key, as in:

#include <unordered_map> #include <QUuid> ... // Won't compile
std::unordered_map<QUuid, QString> exportPlugins;

The compiler (I am currently using the default compiler being used on
macOS 11.4 "Big Sur", with the open source Qt 5.12.2) is complaining
with several error messages (see below for complete error messages), but
they seem to be related to an "implicitly-deleted default constructor"

Fehler: call to implicitly-deleted default constructor of

which seems to be caused by some explicitly deleted default constructor:

note: '__enum_hash' has been explicitly marked deleted here

Looking at the QUuid class declaration I do not find anything suspicious
at first glance. Specifically I do see a default constructor (but I do
understant that the error message is referring to some other default
constructor of __enum_hash, in the <utility> header). In fact, when I
exchange QUuid with QString, as in:

// This works std::unordered_map<QString, QString> exportPlugins;

then everything compiles fine.

This is with a CMake based project, with



So this should be using a C++17 compliant compiler.


I can use a QString instead of a QUuid here just fine (or use some Qt
container class here instead, namely QMap), but I am curious about
"what's going on here":

* Is this a known limitation of QUuid (and possibly other classes), that
it cannot be used in C++ container classes?

* Or asked differently: why does the "template expansion" (?) get into
the case of __enum_hash (when using QUuid), which apparently has an
explicitly deleted default constructor (or why is the default
constructor of QUuid not sufficient)?

* Is there a way to tell (given the Qt's class declaration) whether a Qt
class is suitable for C++ container classes?

* Or am I doing something wrong here (wrong compiler, wrong project
settings, missing includes, ...)?

As this is most likely a basic C++ noob question I am fine with any RTFM
answers here :) But again, so far I did not find anything related to
QUuid and C++ container classes on the web.

Thank you so much,


Hello. Have a look at https://www.kdab.com/qt-datatypes-in-standard-library/

I think that is the issue you're hitting.

Ahmad Samir
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