Hi Jakub,

Thanks for sharing. This does look very interesting. Is there anything in the 
code or dependencies that explicitly depends on Windows, or could this in 
theory be compiled to macOS or linux with some additional work?


David Skoland

On 22 Sep 2021, at 19:26, Jakub Melka 
<mgr.jakub.me...@gmail.com<mailto:mgr.jakub.me...@gmail.com>> wrote:

Dear Qt users,

I would like to inform you about my project, PDF4QT. I began this project in 
year 2018 as my private project, and now, I think, it is ready to be released 
for public beta testing. Long term goal of this project is to offer full 
support of PDF 2.0 specification as add-on library for Qt. I know, that Qt 
offers its own PDF module, but, it lacks many functionality. My project offers 
much more, as optional content handling, signature verification, encryption 
support, form filling, color management, annotations, text to speech, 
optimalization, sensitive content redaction, page manipulation, document 
merging and splitting and much more. Also, I offer several applications, which 
use this library, such as document viewer/editor, or command line tool.

I am aware, that some other projects also implements this functionality, but 
they are very often using viral licenses such as GPL/AGPL. I want to be more 
benevolent, so PDF4QT project uses LGPL license, version 3, so it is usable 
also in commercial applications. I do not want to restrict people from using my 

Project can be found at this website:

And public beta release is available here:

I hope you will find my 3-year work useful.

PS. I will be very happy if you can contribute in a form of testing, advices, 
opinions... But I also want to keep control of the rights to my project, so if 
you want to contribute, Contributor License Agreement must be signed.

Please do not respond on my email, but if you want to discuss this software, 
use following discussion forum:

Best regards

Jakub Melka

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