As of last month, 1.26% of all laptops and desktop computers
worldwide were still running on the 19-year-old OS. That’s a greater
proportion than much younger operating systems Windows 8 (0.57%),
ChromeOS (0.42%) and Windows Vista (0.12%).

The only thing one has to do to keep these systems "secure" is not connect them to the Internet.

In that case, using e.g. Qt 4.8.7 (slightly younger than Windows XP) for those systems should be fine, too. Why do they need the latest and greatest Qt for something that old?

Yes, Qt 4.8.7 is not supported anymore, but if you don't care about security, what do you need the support for? You're going to say "safety". Yet, let me remind you that MS are not fixing safety critical bugs in XP anymore, either. So that game is already lost anyway.

best regards,
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