Thanks! I dont like ruby either lol. I found two more files that broke as
well the fixes were trivial. Havent tried to fix linguist yet.

I have three big problems with the cmake and ninja combo:
1. Ninja uses all the cpu cores +1 by default. Unless you have a water
cooled system you will overheat on a 30k file build like this.
2 . Cmake does not store your last configuration command anywhere i can
find like autotools does.
3 . During the build you can not see the flags being passed to the
compiler. If you have an odd configuration like I do where I use clangs
polly extension theres no easy way to see that its being used correctly.

Qt itself is wonderful well written software and ive only ever encountered
issues with third party code. Indulge us old guys though. We have reasons
we like traditional make and autotools.

On Sun, Feb 6, 2022, 7:22 AM Bob Hood <> wrote:

> On 2/5/2022 4:15 PM, BeneschTech LLC wrote:
> > I have to say, not thrilled with the change to cmake/ninja, but maybe
> I'm
> > just old and not "cool" LOL.
> You're not alone.
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