you should have something like this in your info.plist:




Am 03.11.22 um 19:51 schrieb Glen Mabey:
I'm working on a project that is developing a new Bluetooth Low Energy device (it's a BTLE "peripheral"), which is *not* running any Qt code.

The application that talks to it (the BTLE "central") *is* written in Qt -- I've tried various versions, but I'm currently using 6.4.0.

I started with the "Bluetooth Low Energy Heart Rate Game" example but also consulted other BTLE examples provided with Qt.  Everything works as expected in Linux, Windows 10, and Android, but in MacOS and iOS the device is simply never discovered.

I suspect that there's an Apple "white list" that is filtering out this device (still under hardware development) before it reaches Qt libraries, but I have been unable to find any Apple specific docs that identify such a mechanism.

So, this really is a MacOS/iOS question (problem) but I'm posting here first because I'm afraid that the fact that I'm using Qt will confuse apple developers who otherwise would be helpful.

Also of note -- using this app I *do* see the peripheral under development, which makes me believe that it's not anything hardware or RF related, nor even a fundamental limitation of iOS.  There's just some kind of permission that needs to be relaxed -- like promiscuous mode for ethernet.

Does anyone know where such a setting might be housed?

Thank you!
Glen Mabey

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