On 7/3/23 20:11, Kai Köhne wrote:

This looks like a compiler issue to me.
     const auto connections = QSqlDatabase::connectionNames();
     qDebug() << "Closing open connections:" << connections;

claiming that
../../../src/server/server_database.cpp:691:45: error: invalid operands to binary 
expression ('QDebug' and>
'const QList<QString>')
I think this is the place where it goes wrong:

../../../../Qt6.4.2/6.4.2/gcc_64/include/QtCore/qdebug.h:217:53: note: candidate template ignored: 
requirement 'std::conjunction_v<std::disjunction<std::is_base_of<QList<QString>, QString>, 
QTypeTraits::has_ostream_operator<QDebug, QString, void>>>' was not satisfied [with T = QString]
inline QDebugIfHasDebugStreamContainer<QList<T>, T> operator<<(QDebug debug, const 
QList<T> &vec)
Anyhow, I couldn't reproduce this in a minimal example (and apparently you 
didn't manage either?). At minimum we need the exact compiler + compiler 
options passed on command line.

It's happening in both Visual C++ and gcc 10, but on further investigation, only in one .cpp file; the same code in other files works fine. I'll keep investigating.



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