> On 23 Oct 2023, at 22:30, Hamish Moffatt via Interest 
> <interest@qt-project.org> wrote:
> On 24/10/23 06:10, Alexander Dyagilev wrote:
>> I would prefer for an additional event to be used when the user triggers 
>> Quit. E.g. something like QEvent::QuitByUser.
>> For now, it seems I will have to involve some additional ugly logics 
>> (something like setting a global variable).... More code more complexity for 
>> such a simple situation. Not good, IMO. 
> Does QEvent::spontaneous() tell you anything about the two different quit 
> events?
> Hamish

They should; the window system event is handled as a spontaneous event and 
should reach Q(Gui)Application::event with the spontaneous flag set; a call to 
Q(Core)Application::quit sends (or posts, depending on the thread) the event as 
a synthetic event to the qApp instance, so the spontaneous flag will not be set.


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