
I have a user on MacOS 11.6.1 M1 (ARM64) where our application crashes badly with:

Dyld Error Message:
  Symbol not found: __ZTTNSt3__114basic_ifstreamIcNS_11char_traitsIcEEEE
  Referenced from: /Users/USER/*/qtVlm.app/Contents/MacOS/qtVlm
  Expected in: /usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib

The same crash occurs with an arm64 or an intel build.

I read on internet that this error may come when building on a high version macos (12.x +) and not specifying -mmacosx-version-min, but that is not the case since mkspecs and the build itself say -mmacosx-version-min=10.13

I am building with Qt 5.15.16 and SDK 14, could it be the source of the problem (qt says it supports only up to SDK 13) ?

Many many other users on mac do not have any problem, only one reported this issue.

Thanks in advance for any hints.

Philippe Lelong
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