I want to add a benchmark that compares a legacy Qt function's performance
against one I am developing as a patch. I cannot find guidance on best
practices for benchmarks.

Is there documentation regarding best practices for benchmarks within the
Qt framework?
Are "<module>/tests/benchmarks/..." intended to be run from with Qt Creator?
Is there a convention for documenting the goals of benchmarks?

It appears to me that the "tests/benchmarks" folder is for Qt code base
developers for researching the performance during development, but where is
the explanation for interpreting results?

For example, consider: "/qtdeclarative/tests/benchmarks/quick/events/". Are
the results for a specific platform recorded anywhere? What do the results

I'm testing on two platforms, a desktop and an embedded device and getting
results that show the patch can improve performance. Would metrics
generated by the benchmark be documented in the code review, as comments
within the tst_*.cpp file itself, or in a README.txt file within the
benchmark folder?
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