Bonjour à tous,
Does anyone know about the nickname "Galloping Gertie" ?
Context :
"Suspension-bridge design the world over had taken fright at the collapse of "Galloping Gertie," the nickname given to the first Tacoma Narrows bridge in Washington State, which began to twist, sway, and finally collapse under a moderate wind of 40 m.p.h."
(This accident happened on 7th November 1940)
I understand *galloping* but *Gertie* does puzzle me...
- Is that the short for the name Gertrude ? In that case, what has it to do with the Tacoma Bridge ?
- Does the whole expression "galloping Gertie" has a special meaning or connotation ? (some sort of disease as we say for "phtisie galopante" ?... An image relating to the swift way the bridge did collapse ...
Every interpretation welcome !...
Thanks in advance.
Lynn O'Leum

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