
Please find in attached my new Custom-SNMP Probe for Riverbed
Steelhead Mobile Controller (SMC) appliance.
Is is already in v1.1.

You can share it with the InterMapper community ;)

@InterMapper Community: Do those who use other model than 8530 can
send me the result of a complete SNMP Walk (no size limit, OID: 1.3)
in order to generalize as much as possible those probes.
Off course: Thank you to hide informations like: serial number, IP
address, ... Just hide or modify values so that I know that such OID
give value

Best regards,
Ingénieur Réseau & Sécurité
Network & Security Engineer
Email: p...@rhapirou.net
URL: http://www.[en.]xavier-bensemhoun.fr
# [This file was edited with a Tabulation larger = 4]                           
#                       InterMapper SNMP Probe                                  
#                       ----------------------                                  
#                               for:    Riverbed / Steelhead Mobile Controller 
(SMC)                            #
--------------------------------------------                            #
#       Created by:             Xavier BENSEMHOUN on october 2012 - 
p...@rhapirou.net                   #
#                                       http://www.xavier-bensemhoun.fr/        
#       Originally for: NES Conseil @ Taores / La Mutuelle Générale             

This probe references the following MIB files:
        SNMPv2-MIB                                      (already in IM by 
        UCD-SNMP-MIB                            (already in IM by default)
        HOST-RESOURCES-V2-MIB           @ 
        RBT-MIB                                         @ 
        CONTROLLER-MIB                          (directly through SMC > Help > 
Online Help > SNMP MIBS

#       Please feel free to use this as the basis for new probes.               
#       InterMapper Dev. Guide: http://download.intermapper.com/docs/DevGuide/  

        type                    = "custom-snmp"
        package                 = "net.rhapirou"
        probe_name              = "snmp.Riverbed.SMC"
        human_name              = "Riverbed / SMC"
        version                 = "1.0"
        address_type            = "IP"
        display_name            = "Network Devices/Riverbed/SMC"
        flags                   = "SNMPV2C"
        url_hint                                = "https://${address}:443";

\GB++\SNMP probe for Riverbed SMC devices\P\

This is a system & fonctionalities state probe for Riverbed Steelhead Mobile 
Controller devices

Status information is queried from:
 - CPU and processes
 - SH Mobile activites: connected, healthy, degraded, critical and disabled
 - Licenses: total and in used

Minimum InterMapper version: \B\5.3\!B\ \3I\(for Calculation within on-demand 

This probe has been successfully tested on 8650 appliance

\M3--\ Date        | Version | Who           | Actions                
22 oct. 2012 |   1.1   | X. BENSEMHOUN | implementation of SH Mobile indicators
17 mar. 2010 |   1.0   | X. BENSEMHOUN | Creation, first functions

\GB+\Updates & feedback:\P\
\G3-\Do not forget to check for new versions of this probe: 
\2U=http://dartware.com/go.php?to=probes.contrib\User Contributed Probes\!U0\.
\3\Also feel free to leave feedback by email: 
 a message to InterMapper Talk list\!U0\ or write directly to me 
 email\!U0\ or \2U=http://www.xavier-bensemhoun.fr\on my blog\!U0\.\P0\

        "CPU Busy - Critical"                                   =       "90"
        "CPU Busy - Alarm"                                              =       
        "Temp High - Critical"                                  =       "55"
        "Temp High - Alarm"                                             =       
        "Percent of linceses used - Critical"   =       "90"
        "Percent of linceses used - Alarm"              =       "80"

--      iso.org.dod.internet.private.enterprises.rbt.products.controller
--      rbt                     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 17163 }
--      products        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rbt 1 }
--      controller      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { products 4 }
--      system          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { controller 1 }
--      status          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { controller 2 }
--      config          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { controller 3 }
--      alarms          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { controller 4 }
--      statistics      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { controller 5 }

        -- MIB Variable --              --      OID --                          
                                        -- TYPE --              -- LEGEND --
        model,                                  CONTROLLER-MIB::model.0,        
                                OctetString,    "Appliance model"
        serialNumber,                   CONTROLLER-MIB::serialNumber.0,         
                OctetString,    "Device Serial Number"
        systemVersion,                  CONTROLLER-MIB::systemVersion.0,        
                OctetString,    "System software version string"

        -- MIB Variable --              --      OID --                          
                                        -- TYPE --              -- LEGEND --
        health,                                 CONTROLLER-MIB::health.0,       
                                OctetString,    "System Health"
        healthNotes,                    CONTROLLER-MIB::healthNotes.0,          
                OctetString,    "Current health notes of the system"
        systemTemperature,              CONTROLLER-MIB::systemTemperature.0,    
        Gauge,                  "System Temperature"

        -- MIB Variable --              --      OID --                          
                                        -- TYPE --              -- LEGEND --
        activeConfig,                   CONTROLLER-MIB::activeConfig.0,         
                OctetString,    "Current active configuration"

        -- MIB Variable --              --      OID --                          
                                        -- TYPE --              -- LEGEND --
        cpuLoad1,                               CONTROLLER-MIB::cpuLoad1.0,     
                                Gauge,                  "One-minute CPU load in 
        cpuLoad5,                               CONTROLLER-MIB::cpuLoad5.0,     
                                Gauge,                  "Five-minute CPU load 
in hundreths"
        cpuLoad15,                              CONTROLLER-MIB::cpuLoad15.0,    
                        Gauge,                  "Fifteen-minute CPU load in 
        cpuUtil1,                               CONTROLLER-MIB::cpuUtil1.0,     
                                Gauge,                  "Past-minute CPU 
utilization, aggr. all CPUs"

        -- SH Mobile / client status
        connectedClients,               CONTROLLER-MIB::connectedClients.0,     
                Gauge,                  "Connected clients"
        healthyClients,                 CONTROLLER-MIB::healthyClients.0,       
                Gauge,                  "Healthy clients"
        degradedClients,                CONTROLLER-MIB::degradedClients.0,      
                Gauge,                  "Degraded clients"
        criticalClients,                CONTROLLER-MIB::criticalClients.0,      
                Gauge,                  "Critical clients"
        disabledClients,                CONTROLLER-MIB::disabledClients.0,      
                Gauge,                  "Disabled clients"

        -- SH Mobile / license status
        totalLicenses,                  CONTROLLER-MIB::totalLicenses.0,        
                Gauge,                  "Total number of endpoint licenses"
        inUseLicenses,                  CONTROLLER-MIB::inUseLicenses.0,        
                Gauge,                  "Current number of endpoint licenses 
that are in use"
        percentLicenses_used,   ($inUseLicenses*100)/$totalLicenses,            
        percentLicenses_free,   100-$percentLicenses_used,                      

        -- MIB Variable --                      --      OID --                  
                        -- TYPE --              -- LEGEND --
   ProcTable,                                   CONTROLLER-MIB::procEntry,      
        Table,                  "Running processes"
   ProcTable/procName,                  ProcTable.2,                            
        default,                "Process name"
   ProcTable/procStatus,                ProcTable.3,                            
        default,                "Process status"
   ProcTable/procNumFailures,   ProcTable.4,                                    
default,                "Number of failures"

        critical:       ${health} = "Critical"                                  
                        "The System is on ${health} State (note: $healthNotes)"
        alarm:          ${health} = "Degraded"                                  
                        "The System is on ${health} State (note: $healthNotes)"
        warning:        ${health} != "Healthy"                                  
                        "The System is on ${health} State (note: $healthNotes)"

        critical:       ${cpuUtil1} > ${CPU Busy - Critical}                    
        "Critically High CPU utilization"
        alarm:          ${cpuUtil1} > ${CPU Busy - Alarm}                       
                "High CPU utilization"

        critical:       ${systemTemperature} > ${Temp High - Critical}          
"Critically High System Temperature"
        alarm:          ${systemTemperature} > ${Temp High - Alarm}             
        "High System Temperature"

        -- SH Mobile / license status
        critical:       $percentLicenses_used > ${Percent of linceses used - 
Critical}  "No more than ${percentLicenses_free}% of free license"
        alarm:          $percentLicenses_used > ${Percent of linceses used - 
Alarm}             "No more than ${percentLicenses_free}% of free license"

\B5\Steelhead Mobile Controller\P0\
  \IB5\The $model appliance\P0\ \3I\(s/n: $serialNumber)\P0\
        \4\Version:\0\ $systemVersion
  \4\Health status:\0\ $health
    \4\Temperature:\0\ $systemTemperature
      \4\CPU usage:\0\ ${chartable:"%2d":${cpuUtil1}}% \3I\(Past-minute CPU 
utilization, aggr. all CPUs)\P0M\
                         ${chartable:"%2d":${cpuLoad1}}% \3I\(last 1 min)\P0M\, 
${chartable:"%2d":${cpuLoad5}}% \3I\(last 5 min)\P0M\, 
${chartable:"%2d":${cpuLoad15}}% \3I\(last 15 min)\P0M\, 
      \4\Processes:\0\ ${ProcTable:List of managed processes}

  \4\Current conf.:\0\ $activeConfig
 \IB5\SH Mobile\P0\
     \4\Connected:\0\ $connectedClients
       \4\Healthy:\0\ $healthyClients
      \4\Degraded:\0\ $degradedClients
      \4\Critical:\0\ $criticalClients
      \4\Disabled:\0\ $disabledClients\P0\
          \4\Used:\0\ $inUseLicenses \3I\(total: $totalLicenses)\P0\
\4\Percent values:\0\ $percentLicenses_used % used / $percentLicenses_free % 

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