A brilliant programmer in our office came up with a solution that seems like a 
winner.  He figured out how to monitor the ARP address of the Metro-E 
interfaces with the built-in InterMapper SNMP comparison probe.

Example on our Cisco routers:
first do an snmpwalk on your routers to determine ARP addresses:
snmpwalk -v 2c -c <your snmp string> your.router atIfIndex 
RFC1213-MIB::atIfIndex.2.1.<metro-e interface> = INTEGER: 2
RFC1213-MIB::atIfIndex.50.1.<other interface> = INTEGER: 50
RFC1213-MIB::atIfIndex.58.1.<other interface> = INTEGER: 58

set the snmp comparison probe address as the router on the end of the circuit 
you want to monitor from.

probe info:
variable: atNetAddress.2.1.<metro-e interface> 
value: xxx.xx.xxx.xxx
Legend: Metro-E Peer

We set the probe value as the IP address of the metro interface (other 
identifiers can be used); if the IP is removed from ARP list, the probe will 
alert us.  The only tweak we had to make on the routers is to increase the ARP 
timeout on the interface from default of 4 hours to 5 minutes.

I hope this helps others with similar Metro-E woes


-------------------- m2f --------------------

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