On Fri, 2003-03-28 at 16:36, Brian Moon wrote:
> | The point is that the SOAP (or whatever) library will be interfacing
> | with code written by others.  If those other people use type hints and
> | it blows up with an E_ERROR, we don't have a nice way to handle this
> | error and continue serving.
> |
> | This *is* a disaster, because we are introducing a feature that appears
> | to be quite nice at first glance, but causes portability issues with
> | peoples scripts; for instance; PEAR scripts that use type hints will
> | immediately be incompatible with a larger application framework.
> | Therefore, PEAR should not use type hints if it wants to remain
> | portable.
> I am no "novice" programmer, but I don't get where you are going here.  How
> is there a portability problem?  You are either calling the method with the
> right paramaters or you aren't.  What am I missing?

You may be passing an object to a function that again calls a piece of
library code using type hints (but you don't have to know that).  If
your object is of the wrong type, PHP dies.  PEAR packages follow a
strict "stay alive" policy, so this would not be acceptable for a PEAR
package.  In other words, PEAR can not use type hints if they may cause
PHP to exit.

 - Stig

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