On Thursday 19 June 2003 12:39 am, Ken Tossell wrote:
> >
> > Windows is the primary platform we need binaries for.
> And many major Linux distributions do not support RPM...

But would that matter?

Slackware users are used to compiling everything by hand - having only rpm's 
avaliable is pretty common to them, so they won't care provided the source is 
to hand

Debian users..well, somebody'll package it anyway within no time, and if they 
don't then again, we're all used to having only .rpm's avaliable and building 
from source.

I honestly can't remember about suse and rpms, so I'm not going to go there.

But deb and slack are the 2 really major distros which don't support rpms.
Infact, a quick `apt-cache search rpm` seems to suggest there's a version of 
rpm for debian as well.

Can't honestly think of any other major distro that doesn't support it.

Gareth Ardron

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