PHP 4 Bug Database summary -

 Num Status     Summary (832 total including feature requests)
===============================================[Apache related]===============
15529 Verified   ap_cleanup_for_exec not used when creating
23580 Open       Random values for include_path
24666 Open       random blank pages for any code on any php page
24793 Open       dlopen erreor: No such file or directory
24903 Feedback   xslt_process function crashes in the last PHP source and in RC2 too
===============================================[Apache2 related]==============
19618 Suspended  Cannot load - Win32 error 5
24177 Assigned   header() call doesn't replace 404 status code
24248 Open       .htaccess php var overides not being cleared between page requests
24664 Open       relocation error: symbol not found: ap_pass_brigade
24681 Feedback   windows xp and php-module with apache2
===============================================[CGI related]==================
20896 Verified   php -w hangs indefinitely at 100% CPU
22233 Assigned   "mod_gzip_on yes" makes force-cgi-redirect disabled and incorrect 
22270 Assigned   cgi binary parses itself when called directly
24167 Assigned   [PATCH] FastCGI server processes dying when script not found
24502 Assigned   Fast CGI interface is broken
===============================================[Class/Object related]=========
17637 Analyzed   constructors in classes (Back to PHP3)
20676 Verified   Reinitialization of a reference
===============================================[COM related]==================
15771 Suspended  cannot pass value to image field by ado
16375 Suspended  Feature: Support for VARIANT multi dimensional arrays
17173 Open       "case" causes AV
23072 Assigned   com_load_typelib doesn't print a warning
23073 Assigned   FETCH_COM_SAFE macro is broken
23599 Open       Crash when using COM object property/method
23741 Open       Problems using msxml via COM interface
23803 Assigned   disp_invokeex won't work with multiple args.
===============================================[Compile Failure]==============
23758 Open       Must link -lgcc_s rather than -lgcc
===============================================[cURL related]=================
22213 Open       Apache mod_ssl + PHP + cURL SSL segfault
===============================================[Date/time related]============
18289 Suspended  strftime totally buggy!!
18670 Assigned   strtotime() bug
20382 Verified   strtotime ("Monday", $date) can produce incorrect output
22814 Assigned   strtotime error
23467 Verified   Showing incorrect Time Zone
===============================================[DBM/DBA related]==============
23975 Open       dba_open locking error with ndbm/db2/db3
24824 Open       dba_ routines with ndbm crash
===============================================[Directory function related]===
24420 Open       getcwd() returns random results in a callback
===============================================[Documentation problem]========
13439 Open       unbound .* patterns don't work properly
13549 Open       Checking if query result columns have NULL values with *sql_fetch_row 
14283 Open       printer_create_dc - Example has errors in manual
14298 Assigned   PUT method not supported in PHP 4
14645 Open       Problems assigning by reference to globals
15438 Verified   include_once fails when comparing output to a value
15637 Analyzed   if using URI, ldap_connect() returns resource ID when server does not 
16000 Open       fpassthru and timeouts
16111 Open       IIS + PHP CGI == special administrative concerns
16366 Open       bit shifting error
17164 Analyzed   please group sections in the functions reference
17214 Open       MING SWFBitmap Wrong Example
17386 Open       Associativity of assignment operators listed wrongly
17419 Open       Complex objects not correctly stored in ssession
17653 Open       FAQ: use same png libraries with PHP and GD.
17794 Open       Setting a reference and value on one line
17959 Analyzed   array reference problems
18527 Open       Misleading info: imageCopyMerge(), imageColorTransparent(), and true 
18680 Analyzed   Logical OR fails if value is a string
18722 Open       faq: php installer requires mscomctl.ocx
18747 Assigned   pg_result_error is complete useless
18914 Assigned   ZendAPI images missing
19464 Assigned   "Oracle Collections" functions (ocicol*) in manual are not documented 
for ages.
19622 Analyzed   additions to Unified ODBC page on
19638 Open       setcookie and the null value for the value argument
19692 Open       register_shutdown_function documentation unclear about output
19699 Open       'array_walk()' violates recommended 
20189 Assigned   PCNTL docs need updating to reflect 4.3.0 behavior
20394 Open       prev(), next(), current(), end() should say 'value' rather than 
20437 Open       static $m=1|2;
20481 Assigned   preg_replace_callback() incorrect documentation
20531 Open       Object property association broken
20557 Open       pg_lo_export will not take 3 parameters
20570 Open       description of MAX_FILE_SIZE should be clear
20610 Open       sendmail_path does work in Windows too, not only in Unix
20644 Open       Incrementing/Decrementing booleans != boolean+1
20663 Open       dealing with error size limits
20726 Open       'foo'==0 cast on comparison
20739 Analyzed   parentheses surrounding return()'s arguments do seem to matter
20760 Open       strange behaviour regarding $this
20855 Suspended  chmod can't display correctly (french chm)
20895 Open       dirname() behaviour changed
20966 Assigned   CHM search index includes irrelevant words
20993 Open       Element value changes without asking
21157 Assigned   when ini settings are changable needs to be further documented
21244 Open       Information about placing php.ini not accurate
21288 Open       PHP does referencing when i want to create a *copy* of an array of 
21331 Open       SIGINT handler not called during socket_accept() (revive of Bug 
21388 Assigned   streams.php-stream-open-wrapper-ex
21426 Assigned   [chm] bug on language.types.resource.html
21428 Open       additional example for CLI SAPI page
21474 Open       Bundled GD needs documenting
21485 Assigned   feof() doesn't return true on a non-blocking socket stream
21504 Open       W32api extension documentation is obsolete
21668 Open       imagecolorexact etc. not working for 8-bit paletted png
21694 Assigned   pcntl_alarm
21728 Open       sort() sorts are unpredictable
21783 Open       php-{SAPI}.ini and php.ini : when/where/what php looks for and why.
21833 Open       IIS 5.0 requires additional parameters on Add Mappings Tab
21920 Verified   array_unique buggy example and BC
21970 Open       Tutorial : HOWTO : using include_path
21975 Open       document safe_mode/open_basedir gotchas
21981 Open       MYSQL_CLIENT_SSL should be removed from the doc
22005 Open       mysql_stat space problems
22115 Assigned   Lack of detail to the installation instructions!
22158 Analyzed   "8M" isn't and integer is it ?
22198 Analyzed   date() returning incorrect date
22253 Open       method becomes constructor in subclass
22327 Open       imagelayereffect and related defines are undocumented
22331 Analyzed   mbstring configuration variables are marked PHP_INI_ALL, but this is 
22336 Open       Using Windows Installer version to upgrade PHP, php.ini-dist not 
22635 Analyzed   1.1.1970 <> 24 hours in [gm]mktime
22664 Open       %> in comment // with asp_tags=on
22714 Open       locale versions of are out of sync
22771 Open       session_id(...) causes same cookie to be sent more than once
22871 Open       bad return value for ibase_blob_close() and ibase_blob_import()
22988 Assigned   I'm feeling lucky - rand() bug
22990 Open       spelling mistake in manual (german)
23110 Open       Ugly behaviour of == (and ===)
23133 Open       mysql_fetch_hossz in hungaran translation
23166 Open       'max_input_time' not documented
23192 Assigned   mb_encode_mimeheader mangles long lines?
23250 Assigned   Description of "HTML-ENTITIES" is missing in mbstring docs
23254 Open       Translate error
23326 Open       DomNode->append_child() does not append attribute nodes
23432 Open       session.gc_maxlifetime documentation problem
23437 Open       apache_lookup_uri returns bogus information
23465 Open       session.bug_compat_42 and session.bug_compat_warn needs better docs
23563 Open       base_convert is broken
23564 Open       base_convert() ignores last character
23610 Open       PATH_TRANSLATED is EMPTY
23639 Open       Wrong italian translation of mt_rand, and inaccurate text also in 
23702 Analyzed   Please add "Accept-encoding: gzip"/"--compressed" option to CURL 
23714 Open       Unix/HP-UX install documentation is outdated
23721 Open       TRUE and FALSE constants slower than keywords in previous versions
23747 Open       GD-PNG fatal error
23767 Open       Need to set <html lang="XX"> on generated manual pages
23777 Open       Need %INSTALLPATH%
23786 Open       pg_put_line invalidates all active large object resources
23849 Assigned   Errors in various doc pages
23907 Open       Need additional installation step for IIS 6.0 / Windows Server 2003
23962 Open       method_exists doesn't work on classes
24071 Open       4.3.2 fopen("filename", "a")  not place file pointer to the end.
24097 Assigned   ibase_rollback warning message
24118 Analyzed   Error while using foreach
24121 Open       ob_start() return value type is invalid
24135 Open       eval() documentation ignores FALSE return value from Fatal Errors
24157 Open       read_exif_data version info
24159 Open       Php starts indexing from zero if lowest index is negative
24185 Analyzed   getcwd() fails if parent directory miss readable-flag
24251 Analyzed   include paths with include*()/require*() (again)
24262 Open       memory_limit poorly documented --> webserver hangs
24306 Open       What does --with-tux=MODULEDIR mean?
24323 Open       set_time_limit() does not behave as described
24346 Assigned   ob_start wrongly optimized out when no callback specified
24372 Open       imagettftext and imagefttext
24468 Open       document image functions that require bundled GD
24521 Open       chdir() ignores php_admin_value open_basedir
24585 Open       imagecopymergegray
24722 Open       Losing entities during XSL transformation
24778 Analyzed   imap + cyrus crash compile
24843 Open       session_regenerate_id does not call user-defined session functions
===============================================[Dynamic loading]==============
14870 Open       Some modules break SIGUSR1 and SIGHUP
===============================================[FDF related]==================
14877 Assigned   HTTP_FDF_DATA not available (php_fdf.dll crashes)
===============================================[Feature/Change Request]=======
 979 Open       [PEAR] Openmarket Transact support
1658 Open       Enhance Sybase-ct to fetch limited rows
2352 Analyzed   Create subgroup of database functions
2807 Open       LOB descriptors with Fetch/Result and FetchInto
3066 Open       Parameter for dns functions to select different DNS
3275 Analyzed   [PEAR] ICQ support
3276 Assigned   Add PGP support
3367 Open       PHP code callback during file upload
3799 Suspended  default_charset brings small incompatibility
3830 Open       Function to timeout/break off a function
3928 Open       shorthand notation for filling associative arrays, please
4089 Suspended  No bug, only a suggestion
4426 Open       php when run w/ binfmt_misc does not work w/ apache
4612 Suspended  Too much of $this
5007 Analyzed   enable no-resolve mode for here docs
5050 Analyzed   $php_errormsg not changed on errors inside functions
5169 Open       Missing recursive behavior
5301 Open       cosmetic change in phpinfo() output
5311 Analyzed   implement checkdnsrr() and getmxrr() on windows
5435 Open       Request to update eval() or create new function.
5563 Analyzed   Change session.cache_expire value to be in seconds
5575 Open       open_basedir to ~
5601 Analyzed   @function() should not turn of error reporting for critical errors
5748 Open       use 'App Paths' registry key to specify path for supporting dlls
5804 Open       parser error if any spaces follow indentifier in with here doc syntax
5883 Assigned   --enable-trans-sid modification request
5889 Analyzed   pack() does not take arrays
5954 Open       Informix can't reliably figure if a text result column is NULL
5960 Open       Output buffering and headers
5975 Open       version of strip_tags() that specifies tags to strip (instead of tags 
to keep)
6019 Analyzed   document precision of floating point values
6082 Open       User defined error handler should be avare if function was prefixed 
with @
6107 Open       increments are magic, decrements not
6118 Open       Can not supress runtime warnings on foreach
6193 Analyzed   new object makes a shallow copy
6238 Analyzed   var_dump() param for deactivating reference following
6268 Open       ternary op return only by value
6305 Analyzed   when string contains "at", wrong time returned
6339 Analyzed   invalid Sybase-link resource - problem with last opened link
6343 Open       enable pass by reference to be optional
6399 Open       checkdate should be able to validate a time as well as a date 
6418 Open       Multiple class extends ordering error
6427 Open       func_get_arg() does not support references
6503 Open       no support for multiple resultset query?
6512 Analyzed   sort() Does not sort stings as expected
6563 Open       OCIPLogon should check the connection
6574 Open       SMTP functions via IMAP c-client library
6680 Open       regexps (ereg*) ignores locale settings
6701 Open       Use of http_proxy for fopen("http:// ...
6746 Open       Support for Sybase bcp and large result sets
6771 Open       Import LIB files needed in Win32 distribution
6893 Assigned   feature request - makelinks() function
6911 Open       Problem with array_merge(_recursive)
6927 Suspended  
6932 Open       Filesize / File_exists and include_path
6982 Open       disable_functions option don't works in Apache config
6993 Open       uninstalling is a pain in the ass
7006 Open       preg_replace ( string pattern, array replacement, string subject );
7028 Analyzed   xml=shared and wddx do not work together
7132 Open       fsockopen doesn't report dns lookup failure
7220 Open       Error Report on Function Arguments
7354 Open       Feature Request:  sort on single element arrays
7398 Open       Stored procedure error return values not passed through
7507 Open       Better ODBC error reporting/fetching
7541 Open       please consider also support HPUX shl_*
7553 Open       RFC: Uplevel Block structure
7559 Open       zend_hash_get_current_key_ex returning persistent strings
7578 Open       next() and current() do not return referenceing arrays
7741 Open       [phpdoc] Document about every predefined variable
7782 Assigned   Cannot use PATH_INFO fully with php isapi, open since PHP 4.0.3pl1...
7805 Open       Add optional parameter 'class' to mysql_fetch_object()
7808 Open       variable value triggerd by function
7923 Analyzed   htmlentities doesn't work for ISO 8859-2
7930 Open       List() constructor reference assignment
8074 Open       IPTC parse
8100 Assigned   extract(), extra feature
8108 Analyzed   implement trans-sid as output handler
8295 Open       absolute path in extension= directive in php.ini not recognized
8325 Open       numeric strings used as keys are converted to longs
8395 Open       register_shutdown_function() error
8397 Open       Multi-results sets are not suppported
8427 Analyzed   Unwanted references
8428 Open       continue doesn't pass thru a switch statement
8595 Open       More effective parsing of list() (+other)
8640 Open       enumeration type
8685 Open       heredoc: remove column 1 closing identifier requirement
8809 Open       Cookieless session with Header redirects
8817 Suspended  $foo->getbar()->getfoobar()->method()
8827 Open       PHP_AUTH_PW stores password when using External Authentication
8855 Open       session_start should return also FALSE
8897 Open       Significant portions of the InterBase API have no PHP representation.
8948 Open       readline_completion_function enhance
8963 Open       using shared PHP libraries in safe_mode
9035 Open       Need a PHP_AUTH_REALM built-in variable
9095 Open       colon/semicolon delimitd extension_dir ?
9195 Analyzed   Default class function arguments
9211 Open       URL and PHP Info/Options functions NEEDED
9212 Open       fpassthru ignoring output buffering
9262 Analyzed   Inconsistency  in the implementation of here-docs
9266 Analyzed   Unable to load 14 of php's extensions
9308 Open       Allow Unix to use Win32 only mail options
9331 Suspended  No operator overloading available
9397 Open       odbc_setoption() cannot accept string value (patch included)
9417 Open       zend_eval_string() doesn't work like eval() :(
9441 Open       New feature for foreach control structure
9515 Open       PHP misbehaves when run as a script with SERVER_NAME environment 
variable def'd
9516 Open       No trivial way to bypass safe mode when running as a shell
9517 Open       No settings for OCI8 module regarding persistent connections
9654 Open       is_type consolidation
9676 Open       Feature request for set_time_limit
9750 Open       Informix Fetch Array
9751 Open       WANTED: Informix RESET
9777 Open       Function/Class prototypes?
9928 Open       Feature rqst: timeout in readline
9969 Open       Feature request: persistent FTP connections
9976 Open       No DTD support in DOM functions
10055 Open       strtotime() doesn't work on MSSQL standard dates
10102 Analyzed   need a better error message when argument to empty() isn't a variable
10104 Open       Feedback
10203 Analyzed   foreach weakness
10310 Open       feature request
10350 Open       OCIResult doesn't return time for an Oracle Date field
10351 Open       Parsing problem with nested ? : structures
10359 Open       opendir enhancement
10429 Open       Improving substr()
10519 Open       $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS spoofing
10524 Open       register_shutdown_function request
10527 Open       Declare variables as constants
10546 Open       extract() to work with objects
10549 Open       Performance problem with Openlink ODBC drivers
10596 Suspended  Suggestions for new functions
10657 Open       settype() with larger than 32bit values
10677 Open       Session lifetimes beyond browse on per session basis
10700 Open       unlink() doesn't like win/unc names
10743 Open       class functions & PHP core functions inconsistently clash ;)
10863 Open       serialize/unserialize doesn't handle references
10885 Open       Add result type to mssql_fetch_array
10916 Open       (Feature Request) OS-independent path parsing
10937 Open       Interface to execl() library call
11060 Open       64 bit integer support
11063 Suspended  $var = function_returning_array(args)[0]; doesn't work
11067 Open       dumpmem() does not ident, or even make new lines when called
11100 Open       session_garbage_collector function
11262 Open       Sybvase-ct: suppress "command aborted" messages
11352 Open       HTTP server internal redirect
11457 Assigned   limit for str_replace()
11537 Open       We need an operator for prepending a string to a string. Something 
like =.
11549 Open       open_basedir/include_path security improvement
11558 Open       Sybase-CT functions not found.
11592 Analyzed   need for an a SIGALRM based timeout mecanism
11596 Open       More ways of passing by refrence
11615 Open       change/modify parent syntax
11626 Open       additional oci function for quoting
11812 Suspended  mail function
11836 Suspended  Require nor Include works inner a class file
11894 Open       want posix_getgrent() function
11982 Analyzed   session_expires()
12023 Open       mysql_result moves the data pointer forward one row.
12066 Open       Enable transparent Session IDs for a whole Domain not only relative 
12204 Open       support for cache database (
12214 Open       Additional param to ereg/eregi/ereg_replace/eregi_replace
12257 Open       list() can't handle associative arrays
12284 Open       negative limits in explode()
12312 Open       array_mt_rand() ?
12321 Open       ftruncate poorly named, suggest alias
12405 Open       The result of create_function should be accepable to the parser
12442 Assigned   optional linenumbers in show_source
12486 Assigned   fgetcsv - Why not a getcsv (string not file) version?
12501 Open       authen/authz handler capability
12512 Open       E_INFO/E_USER_INFO
12513 Open       Automatic Rollback of open transactions in persistent links
12548 Open       session_set_save_handler() with php internal session storage
12568 Open       Feature Request for function is_subclass_of
12595 Open       $argv passing
12649 Open       error tracing
12669 Open       Utterly Global Variables - What Zeev was talkin about
12712 Open       named function parameters
12771 Open       new_object_array()
12779 Open       Quote operators
12802 Open       gethostbyname/gethostbyaddr timeout
12809 Suspended  function calls, default arguments and passing references
12833 Open       Would be nice to have better transaction support
12856 Open       dynamic default function parameter not possible
12969 Analyzed   No output with %V
13011 Open       formatting numbers
13048 Open       libical / iCalendar support
13161 Suspended  make delete() as alias of unlink() and unset(), not as just dummy.
13195 Open       Support for OUT parameters from Stored Procedures in ODBC wrapper
13199 Open       Punctuation of month abbreviation in date()
13261 Analyzed   More restrictive File-system access
13280 Open       suggestions about variables scope, warnning
13359 Open       Formating php.ini
13429 Open       Real reflection API
13462 Open       Error Logging
13475 Open       Patch For Sybase stored procedure return values and and output params
13512 Open       The backtick operator only returns stdout, not stderr
13533 Open       new function
13534 Open       tab-width for highlight_* functions
13547 Open       String position of preg_match_all
13623 Open       support ESMTP AUTH
13670 Open       floating point number display
13725 Open       --disable-assert to disable assert() completely?
13810 Open       Per directory php.ini overrides
13825 Open       sort functions
13833 Open       disable_functions does not work when set from httpd.conf
13838 Assigned   Default ODBC statement concurrency option does not allow some queries 
13843 Open       add the execv functionality to PHP
13906 Open       Oracle OCI Non-Blocking mode
13907 Open       Oracle Fetch row by row number
13993 Open       eval() parse errors not using error_handler
14069 Open       Need function for Informix
14071 Open       'admin-values' php.ini also for CGI-binary
14192 Open       Disable Error Control Operator
14208 Analyzed   shm_put_var problem and new shm functions
14210 Open       Can we have ZEND_HANDLE_STREAM?
14231 Open       c-function select() please
14263 Open       Don't free each allocation in cgimode
14285 Open       Forcing variable declaration
14306 Open       Need a something to pass to use default function values
14316 Open       Incorrect upload_max_filesize causes problems
14354 Open       sybase_query returns 1 regardless of delete success
14393 Open       Function calling filename built-in access
14399 Open       eregi_replace does not handle upercase scandinavian characters
14404 Open       scope notation
14405 Open       strict type control ability
14412 Open       ucwords() new parameter
14428 Open       range-based regrouping and import ability
14447 Open       Thread Safe
14473 Open       strtotime wont parse date
14523 Assigned   Additional parameter for str_repeat
14561 Open       strtotime() bug
14564 Open       Trusted Connections Not Supported
14613 Open       Implement Function/Feature Conformity Tests
14615 Open       PHP log does not contain proper CRLF's
14640 Open       Support "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" and "[EMAIL PROTECTED]'bar']}" syntax
14694 Open       GNU fmt-like linebreak algorithm as PHP function
14715 Open       suggestion:mapping session file into dirs
14794 Open       xml_set_object() should take object by-reference
14813 Open       the list of bug categories should be stored in a database table
14816 Open       providing a password for every bug report shouldn't be necessary
14845 Analyzed   var_dump sometimes crashes after array stringitem is overwriten with 
14896 Open       Multi threaded support
14918 Open       Need function to explicitly set a hash's internal pointer to a 
certain key pos
14920 Open       Internal pointer stack for arrays, to solve pointer problems
14924 Assigned   The POSIX access(2) function is not available
14980 Open       "Illegal or malformed form data." is a terse message
15013 Open       String length restriction in mssql functions
15036 Open       PHP should be able to control module load order.
15078 Open       --trans-sid doesn't work with Header("Location: ...."); like redirects
15095 Open       use of references in arguments with defaults
15101 Open       eval() in other context
15128 Open       php_java array access
15133 Open       SSI
15135 Open       improving eval() with context
15184 Open       Calculate the quarter with date('Q')?
15216 Open       Number of weeks or parts thereof in a month
15230 Verified (bughun  memory_limit not obviously disabled for windows binary
15232 Open       Need a possibility to compare two references
15242 Analyzed   PHP functions as extensions for libxslt
15347 Open       strtok multiple string handling
15367 Open       open_basedir = "~" (cgi mode)
15376 Open       Can't exit an include file from function
15465 Open       magic_qoutes_gpc without control of php.ini
15520 Open       array_slice destroys numeric keys
15606 Open       Parent instance by reference in objects
15662 Open       iptcembed FotoWare
15663 Open       add foreach reference values
15677 Open       quoted array index in string should be possible
15689 Open       more variable type should be added
15810 Open       superglobals does not work with dynamic vars in functions
15857 Open       Object Overload __set __get allow set by reference
15872 Open       php_admin_value disable_functions does not work when set in httpd.conf
15881 Open       a new format char for sprintf kind function
15886 Open       rfc1867 file uploads should consider Content-length header
15972 Open       strip_tags should allow restricting the attributes on tags that are 
16073 Open       Cannot unserialize() a string serialized with serialize()
16079 Open       Allow '.' (concat) operator on static strings
16119 Open       Swapping two elements of an array
16138 Open       .htaccess / httpd.conf and error_reporting constants
16330 Open       There is no E_NONE constant. Patch included.
16349 Suspended  no way to tell if a session exists without starting it
16410 Open       array function request
16437 Open       Reference to function namespace variables
16480 Open       strings should remember whether they are magic_quoted, htmlized or 
16487 Open       error_reporting change
16539 Open       Cannot determine error status
16591 Open       class loading in unserialize/session_decode
16620 Open       Ingres_II: Don't get two connects in one script
16621 Open       different ?: operator precedence then in C
16705 Open       SASL support with LDAP
16758 Assigned   Configure "Libraries have been installed in" and where they really are
16913 Open       sem auto release should be to be disabled!!!
16966 Open       convert form item names to "_" only for $GLOBALS, not for 
16979 Open       nested function in functions within a class
16991 Open       wordwrap should respect html tags
17055 Suspended  Must declare function before referencing when in the scope of an if 
17057 Analyzed   substr with pretty output
17075 Open       Prevent cookies being rawurlencoded
17076 Suspended  Omitting defaulted arguments
17077 Suspended  Negative string indexing
17090 Open       Getting slices of associative arrays
17101 Open       Parse errors involving control structures should indicate the start 
of it
17179 Open       evaluation constants
17204 Open       getallheaders() not available in all SAPIs
17207 Open       call_user_func_array does not bind array keys to params
17250 Analyzed   Extend detection capabilities of getimagesize
17279 Open       array_recurse_safe()
17396 Open       xslt_set_base
17400 Open       getting ip for eth0
17488 Open       upload_tmp_dir not automatically added to open_basedir
17545 Analyzed   getallheaders - changed to return text of headers
17565 Open       optional ORDER parameter for range()
17609 Open       Ingres config file only works in unix-text-mode
17617 Open       levenshtein() param for faster return
17819 Open       gethostbyaddr
17860 Open       Suggestion: auto detect whether session changed
17900 Suspended  Unset() for function and class namespace
17902 Open       Group Membership Checking in LDAP
17925 Open       PHP should have a separate gd.fontpath ini setting and honor safe_mode
17988 Assigned   strtotime fails to parse timestamp type from postgresql
18052 Open       getimagesize() should not trust the header info in gifs
18101 Assigned   strtotime() can't handle certain timestamp format
18183 Open       [RFE] Configurable "User-Agent" in php_fopen_url_wrap_http()
18187 Open       Consequent implementation of array referencing to user method
18200 Open       xpath_eval should return a reference to the DOM node and not a copy
18209 Open       gmtime() function requested
18235 Open       season parameter for date()
18296 Open       verify if a odbc field is nullable or not
18332 Open       is_readable/is_writable/is_executable support under safe mode
18335 Open       phpinfo() should sort extension order
18370 Open       More than one php.ini files are required
18407 Open       Request of new configuration directive for safe_mode
18451 Open       php4-pgsql should have a way to create a new database connection
18517 Open       PicoSQL access module
18599 Open       tar.bz2 and tar.gz for binary releases
18675 Open       aborting scripts when user hits "stop" in browser
18686 Open       Additional parameter for crc32
18881 Open       $_FILES order is not logical
18910 Open       Suggestion to highlight_string
19057 Open       Please provide an MSI package
19151 Open       Checking for a valid PHP file from PHP
19225 Open       nanotime()
19236 Open       Need $php_errorLineNumber $php_errorScript in addition to 
19245 Open       Alter error message for execution time exceeded
19277 Open       Shortcut to receive the latest PHP Version
19411 Analyzed   Pre-existing classes defined WHERE?
19431 Open       Stopping include execution from within a function
19438 Open       Return value inconsistencies with LDAP
19449 Open       fork, multi-threading
19454 Open       A way to run php auto_prepend_file before not-to-be-parsed files 
would be nice
19545 Open       Clipboard functions
19574 Assigned   Quoted printable encode
19583 Open       Remove is_dst parameter from gmmktime?
19607 Open       Fourth argument for htmlentities()
19674 Analyzed   Session security enhancements
19687 Assigned   ociexecute calling procedure with boolean out parameter
19694 Open       Persistent Global Variable
19706 Open       thttpd 2.23beta1 gives errors with PHP
19778 Open       Provide a way to remove http headers - like f.x. header("Pragma:")
19817 Open       ImageCreateFromGD2() doesnt recognize uncompressed .gd2 images
19905 Open       add timout to flush()
19917 Open       link
19928 Open       ldap_get_entries() hides data for attribute "count"
19974 Open       force close persistent SQL connections
19994 Open       Extracting information from Helix/Real Media
19998 Open       IIS 6.0 Configuration
20017 Open       File png.gif should be distributed in PNG format, php.png
20026 Open       http Authentication w/ IIS
20054 Analyzed   safe_mode_include_dir not being used correctly
20072 Open       set_error_handler doesn't accept Class::function()
20181 Open       No way to compile static binary
20182 Open       Importing symbols from one class to another
20196 Open       PEAR in include_path
20208 Open       Wanted: a pearinfo() function analogous to phpinfo()
20213 Open       Add a CC: feature to PHP bug reporting system
20226 Open       can't do "foo.php/path.inf" via cgi (with patch)
20231 Open       \v C-style escape sequence in double-quoted strings
20281 Open       Extend the Sybase CT module
20293 Open       --with-tsrm-pth not required
20339 Open       Magic functions __wakeup & __sleep
20344 Open       select a temp dir and filename that is diffrent than the one in 
20421 Open       Would come handy: session_abort()
20459 Open       functions contained in if/else
20474 Open       Loging
20650 Open       Change of Read($sess_id) to ($sess_id, $maxlifetime)
20656 Open       Feature Request: mysql_fetch_object as user defined class
20680 Open       php references - error reporting
20690 Open       fopen should check with uploaded_file not only open_basedir
20706 Open       skipping an optional argument
20742 Open       function to check if dir is allowed through open_basedir-directive
20775 Open       Silent install (/s) does not work
20789 Open       Produce a php4apache_eapi.dll with Windows Binaries
20799 Open       Able to call function when reaching a certain line in a certain file
20835 Open       Why can't I keep php.ini in PHP's directory?
20859 Open       request: declare(ticks) should carry over into functions
20875 Open       function to fix path names
20883 Open       get_included_files() addition for md5 hashes..
20914 Open       Extending get_browser () function
21032 Open       move_uploaded_file() behavior gives inconsistant file permissions
21102 Analyzed   stat, lstat to support 64 bit variants when available
21115 Open       Function to parse Accept-like headers
21155 Open       Macro Request
21165 Open       mail() is not descriptive enough
21168 Open       [IMAP] imap_search() does not support the OR keyword
21317 Open       Need mbstring version of str_pad
21326 Open       Create a PHP_AUTH_* on/off directive
21353 Open       Functions for using references
21354 Open       instantiation class reflection
21379 Open       Add integer to pop and unshift
21399 Assigned   strtotime() request
21470 Open       add imagecopyrotated from latest gd
21505 Open       Source view not HTML 4.01 valid code
21508 Open       Need a register_shutdown_function() that can send output after a 
21555 Open       Possible extensions to alternative control syntax
21594 Open       import construct
21738 Open       Quicktime .mov support for getimagesize()
21766 Open       Make optional parameters for imagecopy
21891 Open       Closing PHP tag and Newlines Revisted
21913 Open       formatting for sci notation
21942 Open       array_intersect with empty in IF statement
21973 Assigned   'configure' script can't find libpng.(a|so), openldap, libjava...
22181 Open       open_basedir and virtual hosting
22216 Open       Named Arguments
22243 Assigned   Extending pg_meta_data() for arrays
22260 Open       [phpweb] -> man page
22296 Open       PEAR::setErrorHandling() must return previous Error handling state
22434 Open       Overload hides properties in class methods, too
22436 Open       Valid solution for working with < 1969 dates
22444 Open       [IMAP] Implement c-client's nntp_mail
22469 Open       alias for mysql_result($res, 0)
22487 Open       wordwrap removes space at break, could be optional?
22525 Open       extension to the dir class
22584 Open       pass mail()'s extra_args as an array?
22593 Open       Fuzzy string matching / agrep
22652 Open       Please add functions to convert between timezones
22662 Open       shell_exec not working on windows XP
22692 Open       Oracle 9i
22739 Open       Reference test
22750 Open       change that parse_ini_file returns false on error
22779 Open       error text when upload_max_filesize exceeded
22958 Open       more returned elements from debug_backtrace() function
22967 Open       "gzuncompress data error" while trying to uncompress TRUE gzip data
22978 Assigned   (openssl_pkcs7_verify) pem saved into variable
23019 Open       Allow PHP to prepare Informix cursors with "placeholders"
23028 Open       need more verbosity in allowed php_value configuration errors.
23030 Assigned   The PHP build does not honor the program-{prefix, suffix} configure 
23082 Open       log of using mail() function
23107 Open       imap_fetch_overview should return arrivaldate and to data
23139 Open       strtotime() fails to parse specific date
23141 Open       pg_fetch_all functionallity
23172 Open       [RFE] Support for XSLT chaining
23222 Open       anomaly re: zlib.output_compression and header("Location:...
23228 Open       output function
23229 Open       syslog function truncates messages
23253 Open       highlight_string($string) removes newlines from input string
23313 Open       DOMXML: Missing DomNode->get_namespace()
23334 Suspended  w32api extension does not work with ISAPI (CGI works)
23346 Open       stripslashes extention
23377 Open       imap_thread has hard-coded search param
23387 Open       highlight_string and highlight_file should include links to man pages.
23485 Open       Integration with Darwin Streaming Server
23488 Open       zlib output compression clobbers user-supplied Vary: header
23496 Open       Allow spaces in PHP_NEW_EXTENSION
23498 Open       ceil() needs more options
23501 Open       Request a multibyte-safe version of trim()
23541 Assigned   ODBC: Support for picoSQL database
23611 Open       mssql.datetimeconvert should not be on by default
23612 Open       new "Security" related settings
23613 Open       [INTERBASE] ibase_fetch_assoc()  / ibase_fetch_object() elements 
23665 Open       PHP crashes with segfault as soon as it is loaded
23672 Open       safe_mode in certain cases not displayed in phpinfo() output
23681 Assigned   Unclear error msg. when PHPSESSID manually deleted from URL by user
23701 Open       optional parameter for reset() to reset all sub-arrays
23723 Assigned   Extend strip_tags()
23789 Open       support for a phpdoc (but doing it right)
23790 Open       safe_mode_allowed_uids
23816 Open       modified array_merge_recursive: array_merge_clobber
23817 Open       add: try do somthing with time limit (3s) { sendmail } catch {mail is 
not sent}
23827 Open       trans sid don't takes care about MIME type of generated content
23863 Open       Please add ImageGetTransparent()
23865 Open       Parametric Queries, and Parametric Stored Procedures in Postgres
23877 Open       ob_implicit_flush does not work
23920 Open       array index of function result does not parse: func()[10]
23955 Open       setcookie(): max-age needed [to comply with rfc]
23965 Open       Output Buffer Control Improvement
23980 Open       PHP.INI installed in wrong directory
23993 Open       Any
24004 Open       Bring back unchanging usort() values if equal
24015 Open       DOMXML: xpath->free()
24040 Open       Missing feature
24047 Open       xmlrpc_decode() does not decode NULL values in SOAP 1.1
24070 Open       Use post instead of get for header("Location:")
24072 Open       4.3.2 Clean Install Win Installer issues
24075 Open       PHP 4.3.2 does not find extensions in a folder with spec 
24077 Open       Documentation based upon version of PHP
24095 Open       phpinfo styles override page styles and damage appearance
24096 Open       session_regenerate_id not delete the old session file
24116 Open       Enhancement: extract() takes array of keys
24173 Open       ability and get dup headers
24211 Open       PHP.ini file installed to improper location.
24214 Open       debug_backtrace() fails to report __FILE__, __LINE__
24252 Open       Problem with session_set_save_handler() when connecting to db outside 
of obj
24254 Open       php_admin_value preset stuck as static value
24258 Open       array_keys 3rd parameter: strict
24274 Open       New 'function' variable_exists(); patch included
24287 Open       Using user defined Domains
24334 Open       php.ini settings override php-cli.ini settings
24337 Open       additional configure --with-avail, and fix --enable-all
24411 Open       2 Gb filesize limit
24417 Open       Parsetime
24443 Open       GD support for CYMK jpg files
24453 Open       w32api registerfunction fails on 3rd call
24455 Open       imagettfbbox and ImageTTFText cause Apache2 segfault (bug #23122 not 
24463 Open       SQL Server Query + Redirect = 502 Error
24465 Suspended  No abilty to assign value to object array
24505 Assigned   fopen works incorrect with URL
24624 Open       post_max_size et al 32bit signed integers
24693 Open       session.use_trans_sid should changeable by scripts
24702 Open       disable_functions + httpd.conf should not set value
24738 Open       odbc_connect called twice returns same resource id
24802 Open       [THTTPD SAPI] Patch for implementing missing getenv
24885 Open       session_destroy() should optionally take session id as parameter
===============================================[Filesystem function related]==
21958 Assigned   fopen fails in safe mode
22682 Analyzed   Proplems with fread(), ftell() and fseek() and CRLF newlines
22999 Assigned   proc_close() sometimes returns -1 when called process exited with 
status of 0
23220 Assigned   fgets() causes warning while reading data via SSL channel (HTTPS)
===============================================[GD related]===================
21560 Assigned   imagettfbbox() returns different values in 4.3.0 and 4.2.1
===============================================[IIS related]==================
16325 Verified   Memory leak causes DLLHOST to become large
23331 Open       Memory leak in ISAPI
24111 Feedback   system(): Unable to fork
24329 Open       Appending path info to a php script breaks under IIS
24916 Open       IIS6.0 & CGI PHP header()
===============================================[IMAP related]=================
21764 Open       imap_close does not close a a stream
24526 Open       imap_fetch_overview() crashes
24716 Open       imap_fetchstructure() hangs on certain messages
===============================================[Informix related]=============
24419 Open       ifx_connect broken when connecting to remote informix server
===============================================[Ingres II related]============
20946 Suspended  php_ingres.dll missing in the php 4 zip!!!
===============================================[InterBase related]============
6976 Suspended  ibase_query can't execute SQL statements that can't be prepared
7014 Suspended  ibase_query (rest of php_interbase.dll?)
19915 Open       ibase_query() fails but returns true
23936 Open       fail to "select and fetch"
===============================================[iPlanet related]==============
24882 Feedback   Failed opening phpinfo.php ... in Unknown on line 0
===============================================[Java related]=================
9507 Suspended  Java objects as session variable
16690 Suspended  Java support in PHP with Apache2 multithreaded server doesn´t work
18600 Open       Unable to create Java Virtual Machine
19327 Open       java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no php_java in java.library.path
19775 Open       PHP crashes when trying to access 2d int matrix returned from java
20505 Analyzed   configure --with-java fails
20853 Open       getting objectarray with 90 or more objects back from java produces a 
21071 Open       PHP.exe goes into infinite loop when executing Java
21926 Open       Apache process hangs
24148 Open       increasing memory usage
24204 Analyzed   --with-java does not compile on Mac OS X
===============================================[Math related]=================
24050 Open       mt_rand() returns 1898087491 too often
24909 Open       rand function with range always returns low value of range
===============================================[mbstring related]=============
24792 Open       --enable-zend-multibyte causes segmentation fault in efree
24835 Open       mb_convert_encoding "s" option does not work
===============================================[MySQL related]================
24879 Open       Some data lost in returned array by mysql_fetch_array
===============================================[OCI8 related]=================
15390 Open       Persistent OCI8 Connections Get Poisoned
17381 Assigned   OCI fetch routines not working with UTF8 DB
17908 Assigned   Can't retrieve info using OCIColumnIsNULL()
19434 Open       oci8 + ldap -> crash
19714 Assigned   Using default user in OCI8 functions
19735 Verified   Oracle - kgepop error OciNewCollection
20006 Analyzed   cannot use 2 database connections
20022 Suspended  OCI8 Recursive call!
22674 Open       Unexpected build-up of persistent connections
22929 Open       pb of exit handler in OCI8 module
24256 Open       OCIFetch* returns truncated results
24278 Open       error while trying to save LOB
24531 Open       [PATCH] Closing an Oracle Session produces SIGSEV
24740 Open       Segmentation fault
===============================================[ODBC related]=================
19349 Verified   odbc_longreadlen() does not work
20298 Open       odbc.check_persistent not working
21076 Verified   ODBC_TABLES and ODBC_COLUMNS cannot be called together
23146 Open       odbc_result column 1 empty after first use
24125 Open       Unable to add records when opened with odbc_pconnect
24718 Assigned   odbc_result_all crashes on some results
===============================================[Oracle related]===============
24911 Feedback   intermittent error conecting to oracle
===============================================[Output Control]===============
22401 Verified   ob_start callback function isn't called when script exceeds 
===============================================[PEAR related]=================
19927 Assigned   Printer error after several pages print
21358 Feedback   Pear install failes on NFS and many other networked file systems
21593 Feedback   make install:install-pear-* rules segfault on alpha
21611 Open       Problem with pear cli and release numbers
21828 Assigned   printer_list doesn't list any printers
21845 Open       $this in static calls
22338 Analyzed   XML-RPC classes rely on $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA
22418 Assigned   TimeZone.php always returns UTC on Windows
22668 Assigned   printer_write() doesn't work when you manipulate on text to be written
22777 Assigned   Imagick: NonconformingDrawingPrimitiveDefinition
23221 Assigned   Pear installer - extension re-install segfault
23350 Suspended  Webinstaller config problem.
23368 Assigned   Integrate package and documentation info
23530 Assigned   Mail_Mime image URL replacement error
23537 Assigned   Abstraction problem in Date class
23592 Assigned   Go-PEAR 0.2.2 Webfrontend - broken link to Start Web Frontend
23824 Assigned   PEAR_Frontend_Web on install bcompile error shows "Object" rather 
than string
24447 Assigned   APD shared so crashes on startup
24848 Feedback   Auth package installation fails
24870 Open       Pear segfaults on install-pear-installer (db_open symbol conflicts?)
===============================================[Performance problem]==========
19749 Suspended  shouldn't mmap() files larger than memory_limit in 
===============================================[PHP options/info functions]===
20377 Verified   php_admin_value affects _only_ .htaccess
===============================================[Program Execution]============
18291 Verified   exec() arguments (+suggested solution)
24123 Open       proc_open Apache 1.3.27 with php 4.3.2
===============================================[Reproducible crash]===========
24866 Feedback   PHP CLI crashes when locale has certain values
===============================================[Scripting Engine problem]=====
15943 Assigned   Viewing .phps Crashes with php.ini-recommended
16820 Open       hangs in multithreded environment (ZTS)
17997 Verified   got wanning when combing switch & reference
19617 Verified   Array_multisort don't work on GLOBAL array
20447 Verified   Register_shutdown_function - connection still open while registered 
20548 Verified   Decrement ("$x[$y]--") doesn't work on uninitiated variable
21513 Assigned   shutdown functions not executed if timed out
21918 Verified   strange behaviour of mixed type in array-keys
22189 Verified   Configuration file is not loaded, though PHP reports it is
22847 Verified   Reference don't work in sort callbacks
22981 Verified   Problem with "=& new" and locally created instances
23038 Verified   PHP does not detect parent class inside child class' constructor
23078 Assigned   overload, switch, array square bracket construct, foreach
23104 Verified   Default array parameter value
23505 Assigned   debug_backtrace inside overloaded __call method segfaults
23604 Verified   Problem with negative indices
24053 Assigned   include issues spurious "stream" warning that clutters up the page ...
24390 Verified   persistent resources destructors aren't called when ZTS is enabled.
24485 Verified   $a = $b; become $a=&$b; when I use a function
24773 Verified   Specific use of unset() (mistaking integer for array) crashes PHP
===============================================[Servlet related]==============
16331 Open       Running phpinfo() kills Tomcat
===============================================[Session related]==============
20358 Verified   Apache is "Segmentation fault" by session_start() with libmm
21957 Verified   returnless __sleep mangles session data
22245 Verified   Unserialize Problem with References
22526 Open       session_start/popen hang
24868 Feedback   Sessions randomly disappearing
===============================================[Sockets related]==============
23837 Assigned   pfsockopen() returning bad connection when host restarts
24756 Verified   fsockopen not detecting closed ports
24867 Feedback   problem with timeout parameter for fsockopen() function
===============================================[Sybase (dblib) related]=======
24899 Open       errors compiling whith sybase
===============================================[Sybase-ct (ctlib) related]====
22403 Assigned   PHP crashes when executing a sql procedure without parameters
23682 Open       sybase_query and multiple result sets: not returning first row set
===============================================[URL related]==================
24080 Assigned   fputs uses 100% cpu on broken pipe
===============================================[Website problem]==============
13311 Analyzed   status, severity, and category should be distinct in bug database
16660 Open       tar.gz Docs needed - bz2 is not appropriate
17644 Assigned   move function indexes out of specific function files
20105 Open       on why key shorcuts ?
20501 Assigned   New shortcuts for bug reporting
21015 Assigned   phpweb isn't register_globals safe
21104 Open       Font too small in certian areas of the manual.
21355 Assigned   Bug system is buggy :-))
21580 Open       Chora should not show empty dirs and errors
22334 Open       small correction in pres2 for table in plainhtml
22359 Open       Request: Additional release translations, and announcements.php
22644 Open       language specific content-encoding
22679 Open       magic_quotes is on but entries are not stripslashes()-ed
23062 Verified   search function on doesn't work
23123 Open       need README for initiating php manual builds
23515 Open       CVS Repository it's not updating the change.log
23528 Open       redirect fails
23558 Open       Web site favicon.ico is unclear
23754 Open       bonsai cvs information doesn't update
23799 Open       New Country Detection System
23814 Open       Mimetype for .bz2 files is text/plain
23953 Open is so slow it is unusable
24127 Open       Opera throws JavaScript-Errors on "onload"-Event
24265 Analyzed   Problems with tracking recent visited URL
24303 Assigned   Google search contains a lot of redirects back to Google
24412 Open       phpweb/include/ has two errors
24672 Assigned   "parse" is not similar to "parse_ini_file"
24906 Feedback   Why can you view the page "";
24917 Open       broken link
===============================================[XML related]==================
18033 Verified   Leading white space is lost inside processing-instruction data
24002 Verified   Nested calls to xml_parse no longer work
===============================================[XSLT related]=================
22147 Open       PHP crashes when processing XSLT files
23889 Assigned   xslt transform stop working after upgrade from 4.2.3 into 4.3.2
24863 Feedback   Not all entity names recognised and some output glitches
===============================================[Zlib Related]=================
21944 Verified   zlib compressed pages can be flushed causing compressed output to be 

Assigned bugs: (reminders sent)
iliaa           24177: header() call doesn't replace 404 status code
shane           22233: "mod_gzip_on yes" makes force-cgi-redirect disabled and 
incorrect PHP_SELF
shane           22270: cgi binary parses itself when called directly
shane           24167: [PATCH] FastCGI server processes dying when script not found
shane           24502: Fast CGI interface is broken
phanto          23072: com_load_typelib doesn't print a warning
phanto          23073: FETCH_COM_SAFE macro is broken
wez             23803: disp_invokeex won't work with multiple args.
wez             21388: streams.php-stream-open-wrapper-ex
wez             22978: (openssl_pkcs7_verify) pem saved into variable
wez             23541: ODBC: Support for picoSQL database
wez             24505: fopen works incorrect with URL
wez             21958: fopen fails in safe mode
wez             22999: proc_close() sometimes returns -1 when called process exited 
with status of 0
wez             23220: fgets() causes warning while reading data via SSL channel 
wez             24053: include issues spurious "stream" warning that clutters up the 
page ...
wez             23837: pfsockopen() returning bad connection when host restarts
wez             24080: fputs uses 100% cpu on broken pipe
rasmus          18670: strtotime() bug
hholzgra                22814: strtotime error
hholzgra                14298: PUT method not supported in PHP 4
hholzgra                14877: HTTP_FDF_DATA not available (php_fdf.dll crashes)
hholzgra                12486: fgetcsv - Why not a getcsv (string not file) version?
yohgaki         18747: pg_result_error is complete useless
yohgaki         3276: Add PGP support
yohgaki         14924: The POSIX access(2) function is not available
yohgaki         22243: Extending pg_meta_data() for arrays
imajes          18914: ZendAPI images missing
imajes          21355: Bug system is buggy :-))
thies           19464: "Oracle Collections" functions (ocicol*) in manual are not 
documented for ages.
thies           23505: debug_backtrace inside overloaded __call method segfaults
jason           20189: PCNTL docs need updating to reflect 4.3.0 behavior
jason           21694: pcntl_alarm
k.schroeder             20481: preg_replace_callback() incorrect documentation
goba            20966: CHM search index includes irrelevant words
goba            21426: [chm] bug on language.types.resource.html
goba            17644: move function indexes out of specific function files
goba            20501: New shortcuts for bug reporting
goba            21015: phpweb isn't register_globals safe
goba            24303: Google search contains a lot of redirects back to Google
goba            24672: "parse" is not similar to "parse_ini_file"
jmcastagnetto           21157: when ini settings are changable needs to be further 
pollita         21485: feof() doesn't return true on a non-blocking socket stream
pollita         22988: I'm feeling lucky - rand() bug
pollita         11457: limit for str_replace()
pollita         14523: Additional parameter for str_repeat
betz            22115: Lack of detail to the installation instructions!
moriyoshi               23192: mb_encode_mimeheader mangles long lines?
moriyoshi               23250: Description of "HTML-ENTITIES" is missing in mbstring 
moriyoshi               19574: Quoted printable encode
moriyoshi               23723: Extend strip_tags()
davey           23849: Errors in various doc pages
davey           24346: ob_start wrongly optimized out when no callback specified
daniela         24097: ibase_rollback warning message
sas             5883: --enable-trans-sid modification request
sas             23681: Unclear error msg. when PHPSESSID manually deleted from URL by 
tal             6893: feature request - makelinks() function
                7782: Cannot use PATH_INFO fully with php isapi, open since PHP 
andrei          8100: extract(), extra feature
nicos           12442: optional linenumbers in show_source
kalowsky                13838: Default ODBC statement concurrency option does not 
allow some queries on MSSQL
kalowsky                24718: odbc_result_all crashes on some results
sniper          16758: Configure "Libraries have been installed in" and where they 
really are
sniper          21973: 'configure' script can't find libpng.(a|so), openldap, 
sniper          23030: The PHP build does not honor the program-{prefix, suffix} 
configure options
derick          17988: strtotime fails to parse timestamp type from postgresql
derick          18101: strtotime() can't handle certain timestamp format
derick          21399: strtotime() request
maxim           19687: ociexecute calling procedure with boolean out parameter
maxim           17381: OCI fetch routines not working with UTF8 DB
maxim           17908: Can't retrieve info using OCIColumnIsNULL()
maxim           19714: Using default user in OCI8 functions
pajoye          21560: imagettfbbox() returns different values in 4.3.0 and 4.2.1
pajoye          22418: TimeZone.php always returns UTC on Windows
pajoye          23537: Abstraction problem in Date class
pajoye          23592: Go-PEAR 0.2.2 Webfrontend - broken link to Start Web Frontend
fmk             19927: Printer error after several pages print
fmk             21828: printer_list doesn't list any printers
fmk             22668: printer_write() doesn't work when you manipulate on text to be 
mcmontero               22777: Imagick: NonconformingDrawingPrimitiveDefinition
ssb             23221: Pear installer - extension re-install segfault
jellybob                23368: Integrate package and documentation info
gschlossnagle           23530: Mail_Mime image URL replacement error
gschlossnagle           24447: APD shared so crashes on startup
dickmann                23824: PEAR_Frontend_Web on install bcompile error shows 
"Object" rather than string
zeev            15943: Viewing .phps Crashes with php.ini-recommended
zeev            21513: shutdown functions not executed if timed out
zeev            23078: overload, switch, array square bracket construct, foreach
thekid          22403: PHP crashes when executing a sql procedure without parameters
msopacua                23889: xslt transform stop working after upgrade from 4.2.3 
into 4.3.2

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