
The Informix DB Extension has been giving a lot of -439 errors lately, especially when persistent connections are used.
Error -439 means that the current connection is busy and can't process a new SQL query at the moment. Bugs related: 13459, 8267, 14254, 19416, 16145, 14314

Should i change the extension to establish a new connection automatically when:

o ifx_connect()/ifx_pconnect() is called ? or
o when ifx_query()/ifx_prepare()/ifx_do() is called ?

Should there be an INI entry giving the user the option to let PHP connect automatically ?

Should the IFX extension addopt the new_link argument feature of mysql_connect() ?

NOTE: ifx_check() and php doesn't pick this up as an error because SQLSTATE is '00 000', which indicates no error.


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