At urging of those who feel is the wrong place to propose PECL
packages, I'm repeating my proposal here:


I'd like to propose two PECL extensions:

1)  linux_oss

Description:  Bindings for the Linux Open Sound System API.

  linux_oss_buffer() : Setup DSP buffer on /dev/dsp or similar device
  linux_oss_channels() : Set DSP to process number of channels (mono vs.
  linux_oss_rate() : Set sampling rate on DSP device
  linux_oss_format() : Set sample encoding 8/16 bit, signed/unsigned,
big/little endian
  linux_oss_mixer_query() : Probe capabilities of mixer
  linux_oss_mixer_vol() : Get/Set volume on mixer channel
  linux_oss_mixer_source() : Get/Set recording source

Purpose: Control sound I/O on linux systems.  Yes, this is platform
specific, but sound is a platform specific thing.  I'll propose Windows
sound system bindings later, and ultimately bindings for Solaris and BSD as
I research them.

Requirements: PHP >= 4.3.0, Linux w/ OSS kernel module and headers

2) oggvorbis

Description: OGG/Vorbis fopen wrapper.

ogg://  write - Encode PCM audio to OGG/Vorbis compressed audio.

ogg:// read - Decode OGG/Vorbis compressed audio to PCM.

Example Usage:  .ogg player


  $input = fopen('ogg://mymusic.ogg', 'r');
  $oggdata = stream_get_meta_data($input);

  /* Chained OGGs will be added as subsequent numericly indexed subarrays of
wrapper_data */
  $songdata = $oggdata['wrapper_data'][0];

  $output = fopen('/dev/dsp', 'w');
  linux_oss_buffer($output, 8192);
  linux_oss_channels($output, $songdata['channels']);
  /* AFMT_S16_LE is the default output mode of ogg:// wrapper.
      It can also be set to encodings listed above via a context option. */
  linux_oss_format($output, AFMT_S16_LE);
  linux_oss_rate($output, $songdata['rate']);

  $mixer = fopen('/dev/mixer', 'w');

  /* Master Volume  L / R  */
  linux_oss_mixer_vol($mixer, MIXER_VOLUME, 100, 100);

  /* DSP Output Volume L / R */
  linux_oss_mixer_vol($mixer, MIXER_PCM, 100, 100);

  stream_copy_to_stream($input, $output);


Requirements: PHP >= 4.3.0, libogg, libvorbis (both governed by BSD style

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