> When is php going to grow up?? I want to be able to write php store procedures
> inside any of the major databases (Postgre, Sql Server ,db2,Oracle,Sybase)
I guess you can write php stored procedures in PostgreSQL...

> I want php to be one of the .Net languages supported by Microsoft 
> (like perl, or C#) so I can write my windows GUI based applications. 

> I want to be able to compile my php applications.
You can compile it and even encode it. But you can't package it yet. :-(

> I want to run a php application server (EPB Enterprise PHP Bean)(similar
weblogic,websphere,etc) and all the cool things it implies(load balancing,
transactions, messaging etc, etc).
It would be a great step forward! With the CLI sapi you can run
a PHP script as an executable program. With a CORBA, COM or XML-RPC you
can make your script act as a server application (that's not an
apllication server).

> I think PHP is too good to stay where it is.
I agree. Even with some opinions that PHP isn't made for enterprise
services, that it's only a "Web Script Language", I think that, in
the near future, it will hit the enterprise services as a free software
application server language.
There will be a long path till then, but PHP5 is a start and there are a
lot of developers contributing for it.

Best Regards,

Cristiano Duarte

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