>Derick Rethans wrote:
>> From what I saw more people don't want those 
>>suckyCaps .
>Sorry Derick, but it seems that more people want 
>studlyCaps in
>Object-Oriented PHP and underscores in procedural
>Cristiano Duarte

It would make more sense.

As was mentioned before, OO parts of PHP interacts
with external extensions, and other technologies that
uses caps.

And making studlyCaps in Object-Oriented PHP and
underscores in procedural PHP would create a
consistent CODING STANDARDS without execeptions.

And for the procedural PHP it stays as it is now.

It looks like all decisions are been taking only by
personal tastes. I think itīs not right, because there
are several things to consider. I do prefer to work
with underscores, for example, but I really think is
better to use caps for OO.

Again, its not a question of what everyone prefers,
but  _what is better for avoiding future problems_ 
where will be there extensions and frameworks using
caps and other parts of PHP using underscores. How
will be the Java integration ??? DOM donīt use caps?
Pear (one of the most important PHP projects) and
others important projects dont use caps???

So why go against it all and creating a mess of not
standard code????

(Sorry for being intromissive, but I think everybody
should consider what I said).

Eduardo R. Maciel

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