I approved your accounts. You have access to smarty/docs now.

On Thu, 04 Dec 2003, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi,
> Arnaud & I (Gerald), the translators of the Smarty French documentation, asked
> for an account 2 weeks ago. As we don't have any reply for now, I suppose our
> request was not detailed enought for you to decide wether or not we deserved /
> needed it.
> Then, let me talk our way into let you trust that we actually need it :-)
> We (as I said) are the translators of the french Smarty documentation.
> We are keeping the documentation up to date, but we can't commit our updates to
> the CVS repository (the reason why the documentation is still not 2.6 up to
> date, except for the pdf rendering that we've send to Monte)
> We have requested to Monte a CVS access to the Smarty module, and he asked us
> back which was our PHP CVS account. (the reason why we're here to ask you this).
> I really am sorry if my message is a matter of me not having enought of patience
> (btw: what is the usual delay to get an answer ?), but as our first request was
> not really detailled, I thought it'd be better to introduce ourselves to you.
> Thx to thoose of you who have read this whole message.
> Gerald.
> ps:
> the requested accounts where:
> gerald
> arno
> The requested tree was "Smarty"
> The reason is: French translators of the Smarty Documentation
> The referer is: Monte Ohrt
> -- 
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- Andrei

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