Em 23 Dec 2003, Pierre-Alain Joye escreveu: 

>On Tue, 23 Dec 2003 10:29:03 -0200 
>Felipe Lopes wrote: 
>> Hi there! 
>> I have beta 3 running on my win98 machine. I tried to use tidy 
>> functions and php returns a "Fatal error: Call to undefined 
>> function"... 
>> Then I assumed that I had to uncomment the extension on php.ini, but 
>> there is no line for tidy extension, although the tidy extension is in 
>> its dir... 
>> Since php5b3 is "- Bundled new tidy extension (John, Wez)" I don't 
>> know what is wrong...Maybe I missed the meaning of "bundled"... 
>> Any thoughts on this? 
>The php_dll is present in the extensions folder. Are you sure php 
>tries to load it in the right folder? (check you php extensions dir ini 
>Otherwise, http://snaps.php.net/win32/PECL_STABLE/ contains snaps dll 
>for windows. Dunno if they are for php5 or php4 neither if php_tidy 
>requires tidy dlls. Let's try ;) 

MYSQL extension loads just fine here... 

Shoudn't tidy work just out of the box on php5b3? 

Felipe Lopes. 

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