Funny, i writing a response to adam's message while this got to the
mailing list.  Take a look at my response to adam, as it covers this
patch as well.


> Hi!
> I'm just playing with simplexml and wonder if two new functions of the
> simplexml_element object would be usefull: getName() and getParent(). I'm
> interesting in adding them to the extention, if possible. What should I do
> for this? (I also think that it may be in FAQ, but I did not find that info
> with my search skills).
> Basically, this is my first experiment with PHP Extensions. I may be wrong
> with my code, but tests pass is ok
> -----------------------
> Thank you for time,
> Alexander Netkachev
> Code for getName function:
> /* {{{ getName()
>  */
> SXE_METHOD(getName)
> {
>     char *name;
>     xmlNodePtr node; // current node
>   php_sxe_object *sxe = php_sxe_fetch_object(getThis() TSRMLS_CC);
>     GET_NODE(sxe, node);
>     if (node && (name = (char *)(node->name))) {
>         RETURN_STRING(name, 1);
>     }
> }
> /* }}} */
> /* {{{ getParent()
>  */
> SXE_METHOD(getParent)
> {
>     xmlNodePtr node; // current node
>     xmlNodePtr pNode; // node->parent
>   php_sxe_object *sxe = php_sxe_fetch_object(getThis() TSRMLS_CC);
>     GET_NODE(sxe, node);
>     if (node && (pNode = node->parent)) {
>         _node_as_zval(sxe, pNode, return_value TSRMLS_CC);
>         return;
>     }
>     RETURN_NULL();
> }
> /* }}} */
> File: ext/simplexml/tests/019.phpt
> --TEST--
> SimpleXML: Test getParent() and getName() functions
> --SKIPIF--
> <?php if (!extension_loaded("simplexml")) print "skip"; ?>
> --FILE--
> <?php
> $doc = simplexml_load_string('<html><body></body></html>');
> var_dump(trim($doc->body->getParent()->getName()));
> echo '--done--';
> ?>
> --EXPECT--
> string(4) "html"
> --done--
> -- 
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