On 17 Feb 2004 at 14:01, Brad Fisher wrote:

> class D {
>   function bar() {
>     $c = new C;
>     // I'd like to call the A::foo method of C here...
>     //    In PHP4, I could do something like:

Why should one want to do that? Why should PHP allow this?

$c is not an A, it is a C. Of course C is a special version of A, so it is 
compatible to A. But it still is a C.

There will be a reason why C has overridden the A implementation of 
foo(). It is possible that the original implementation is not compatible 
to C, so it could be a risk to call the old method.

The feature you are asking for is not available in any OO language 
and it even conflicts with the OOP ideology!

Ferdinand Beyer

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