
> From: Andi Gutmans [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> I rolled RC1 of RC1 (didn't change the version from -dev on 
> purpose because 
> RC1RC1 is kind of odd and I didn't want it to confuse people :).
> I will roll RC1 on the 17th so if there are "serious" show 
> stoppers speak up.

        interface person {
                function wakeup( $day, $time );
        class hugo implements person {
                function wakeup( $day ) {
                        printf( "wake up on $day\n" );
        $hugo = new hugo;
        $hugo->wakeup( 'monday' );

Shouldn't this throw an fatal error because wakeup isn't complete

Current HEAD:

$ /usr/local/php-5-fastcgi-200303171147/bin/php -f
wake up on monday


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