On Apr 22, 2004, at 5:09 AM, Rob Richards wrote:

From: Sterling Hughes

Err, read back in the message. Specifically about "should reset the
generic error handler." If it doesn't reset it, that's a separate
issue. It has *nothing* todo with the mysql issue (which was symbol
conflicts due to two libraries being compiled into the same server). A
process can not execute two code paths at the same time, therefore you
cannot have such corruption in a prefork model.

Sterling, I also thought this might be in issue when I brought it up many
moons ago as I have no idea of the isolation in apache.
I just ran a debug session using apache 2.0.45 prefork under linux. MINIT is
only called on server startup and MSHUTDOWN is only called on server
shutdown. Since the error handling is set/unset in this spots, it gets
changed to our internal handling when apache first starts up and isn't reset
between requests. Only when apache shuts down is it reset.

Now either the apache 2 sapi is wrong in this regard or the error handling
really needs to be re-worked.

Here are a couple options I can think of:

Putting it in the RINIT/RSHUTDOWN should fix it (cant say about threaded
servers and threaded libxml as there was an issue with the per thread error
handing in libxml up to at least 2.5.11 - threaded libxml builds needed
xmlThrDefSetGenericErrorFunc to be set in the main thread which would have
to happen in MINIT (or the error handling needs to be set on every
request) - had only played around with this on windows though so not sure if
it affects non threaded web servers as well), not sure if this is ideal
since it would need to be run on every request wether using libxml or not.

Right, this wouldn't fix the threaded case.

If libxml error messages are only needed during loading of xml and possibly
some other spots where we have a context (such as SAX and possibly
validating, etc.. - havent looked at that), the custom error functions can
be attached directly to the context. Origionally I moved those custom error
functions to the libxml extension (as they used to only be used in dom in th
is manner) so that this could be the case, but ended up with just setting
the global error handler instead. For all other errors when dealing with
operations on the tree, would have to deal with errors through the
extensions alone.

My suggestion is to pull the 2 calls to xmlSetGenericErrorFunc from libxml.c
right now so that is resolved prior to RC2 going out the door (if possible).
Then just have to decide wether this should be worked on and implemented
prior to the 5.0 release or put on the list for 5.1.

Feel free to tell me if I am way off base here as I really have no idea of
the interaction between modules in apache :)

I think you are off base in removing them. We need them to hook into PHP's error handling system. I think setting/resetting in RINIT instead of MINIT is a good place to start and see if that fixes the problem. I personally could care less about the threaded case (i hope PHP stops using this TSRM stuff and just recommends FastCGI), although someone here who cares more may have opinions about that. I guess we could add an #ifdef TSRM to the system, and not set the generic error handler - if someone cares enough about the threaddites.


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