On Sun, 2004-04-25 at 19:02, Julian Reich wrote:
> Hi all,
> Referring to call_user_func_array() I would like to suggest a new 
> function: new_object_array().
> I'm working on a php5 application framework and I would like to 
> implement something I call an unified factory. The problem is that I 
> don't know how many parameters to expect.
> Here's an example how it's meant to work:
> <?PHP
> class Kernel
> {
>     public function __call($functionName, $functionParameters)
>     {
>           $className = substr($functionName, 3);
>            // code omitted here ...
>            // check for real $className ...
>            return new_object_array($className, $functionParameters);
>     }

How about:

  return call_user_func_array(
    array(new ReflectionClass($className), 'newInstance'),

Untested but should work.

- Timm

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