Hi All,
I have a class and a subclass, both with a static method:
<?php class Foo { static function Bar() { self::Baz(); } }
class Foo2 extends Foo { static function Baz() { echo 'Baz'; } }
Foo2::Bar(); ?>
In this case I expect to find 'Baz' on my screen, but I get the following: "Fatal error: Call to undefined method Foo::baz() in d:\htdocs_php5\ProBase2\TRUNK\probase\libsys\test5.php on line 7".
This is in PHP5 RC2.
Somehow this behaviour seems logical, on the other hand I don't think it's desired. I think that 'self' should point to the current class, even if the static method resides in a parent class.
Is this 'self'-behaviour intended?
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